Sangriðr Hafladóttir



2 years, 3 months ago


Sangridr is a Hraðfaringr warrior and operative, having earned distinction even during her youth as both a shield-maiden and a ship-maiden. She had the good fortune of coming of age during an era where the Himnaríki thalassocracy was expanding its reach among the stars, and adventures alongside a small hand-picked crew and her younger brother (and mentee) aboard the trim starship Eldrsyngi.

She is quite blunt and direct, and views the notion of finesse as more of a serendipitous side effect of well-laid plans than something to strive for. Equally at ease splitting heads on a battlefield with her prodigious strength or negotiating hapless gwemoueb hweba freelancers into a trap thanks to her detailed understanding of contract law, she is willing to acquire whatever skills or resources she needs to accomplish her objectives. The lives of her warband are in her hands, and she takes her responsibilities seriously.

Although she can come off as sarcastic and acerbic, she actually cares quite a bit about what others think of her, her crew, and the Hraðfaringr as a whole. She relishes opportunities to prove herself and to earn the respect of others, and won't hesitate to learn what she can if they're willing to share. She knows that she'll need every scrap of wisdom she can find as she makes decisions that can be terrifyingly consequential.

The descendant of renowned krakibani, she herself bears that title as well. In addition to the customary ship-maiden's dagger and shield-maiden's sword, she carries into battle the ancient weapon of the krakibani, the blade-ended chain whip, a Delineated weapon designed to inflict horrific wounds against the cephalopod tentacles of their longtime foes.