Draven Ascelin



2 years, 3 months ago


Draven Ascelin

25 ✦ Male ✦ Taken


About Draven

The Viera fled from his tribe near a decade ago, dedicating his life to study for half of the time he was gone. His brother had accompanied him for a short time before they split ways.


Raven locks are let grow out long enough to reach towards his lower back, and having the ends re-done to appear a deep crimson shade that bleeds into black. Crystal blue eyes look on with a hint of curiosity, but without the drive to satiate the desire. Below those soft, curious eyes is a beauty mark on the porcelain skin, just below his left eye. Moving even further downward, freckles dot across his cheeks and nose bridge. His nose itself doesn't jut out, small and smooth which directs the gaze to soft lips. It isn't often he is seen wearing anything on his lips, only having eyeliner which is generally hidden behind his hair, keeping the sight of his face reserved for in private.


"I remember every word you told me."

  • Books
  • Gardening
  • Being Busy
  • Sunsets
  • Early Mornings
  • Cleaning
  • Arogance
  • Revealing Outfits
  • Physical Contact
  • Receiving Gifts

Hooks & OOC Info

Hooks: Draven fled from his tribe some time ago, having been with the Phantom Cartel for some years now, working under the head doctor. Nowadays he spends most of his time in Kugane, though he still publishes books and wanders to various areas in the world to find new literature. In the past he worked in a less 'savory' profession, some former clients may recognize him. OOC: Character injury is fine, character death is not. Tells and walkups are more than welcome, even encouraged. Not into erp -for- erp, if things lead that way story wise then fine, I've no issues with that. Perfectly alright weith pre-established relationships, would like to talk about this more in-depth to get a good feel on things.

profile html by Hukiolukio