
Gender: Male

Age: ??? (40s in look)

Birthday: Jan 8th

Height: 5’ 8”

Hair color: Silver

Eye color: Blue

Tail Color: Silver with Dark Blue stripes

Sexual Preference: Straight

Job: Mercenary Guild Warrior

Skills: Natural Ice Magic, along with exceptional sword skills

Loves: Casual and Good Conversations, Sounds of Blizzards at night, Smoked Ham with Honey

Hates: Individuals Controlling others, People lying about changing, Rancid Tap Water

Short Story

Born under the Creed of Prometheus, Gwynfor is a former Bounty Hunter turned Mercenary. He’s a calm and collected sword fighter that comes off as cold to those that don’t know him. He is a master at Ice Magic, able to form and control it naturally as if it’s a part of him. When he became of age, he found out the path he was being forced down and left to make his own fate. In his travels, he ended up with the Bounty Hunters as a way to finance his living and to help survive. But the shedding of blood became too much, leaving and eventually joining the Mercenary’s Guild to partake in more noble missions and tasks, ones that don’t aways involve murder. However, because he left, bounty hunters often try to come for his head for his “betrayal.” Now Gwynfor is a well-known mercenary, taking up task that demand both his skills with his sword and his skills with diplomacy, but always on guard for whoever may come for his head.


Gwynfor was born under the hidden organization known as the Creed of Prometheus, at one of their few remote settlements at the time. At a young age, he wanted to become a knight through the stories his mother use to tell him before bed. His urge became greater as he learned about their code of chivalry and began wanting to teach himself more of their ways. However, the Creed had other plans, not ones menacing but ones that never lined up with Gwynfor’s wants and needs. He was taught Ice Magic given his race, tho that felt uncomfortable to the young boy. Slowly mastering his magic as well as practicing sword skills in his spare time with a tutor and his father.

When he was of age, he soon was given the mark of the Creed burned into his chest, officially unlocking his inner magic for his control. But even after the ceremony, he felt more distant from the Creed despite action like his second family. It wasn’t until much later till he found out why, as they were eager to make him a mage, regardless of his desire. Soon he decided that he has had enough and began his plan to leave the settlement. Before he left, his family gave him his cape for him, and his mentor gave him his sword while etching it so he could easily utilize his Ice Magic with it. On a new moon, he left his old home behind as he travels out on his own.

The Bounty Hunter of Winter:

After months of traveling and fending off alone, he soon wanders into an old building within the woods. Entering it almost got him killed, with multiple people with guns pointing at him and sword drawn. He kept his collective as he walked over to the bar, his hand close to his sword. While sitting on one of the stools, he asked about this place, what do those people do, simple questions. Soon discovered about Bounty Hunters, what they often do, and how they make a living. Thinking he could use this to lay low and make a living, Gwynfor asked if he could join the Bounty Hunters, only to be denied by one of the Hunters in the room, even demanding a trial by combat. As the two fought, Gwynfor overcame the battle with his ice magic and a strike through the heart. Though shedding some blood, he was now accepted into the Bounty Hunters.

Turning over a new blade: 

Gwynfor then spent years as a Bounty Hunter, taking up jobs one by one as his skills were becoming more well-known. The pay ended up being more than enough per mission, but as time went on, he felt more and more uncomfortable with his status as a Bounty Hunter. It all came ahead when he was given a job to eliminate what was mentioned as a War Lord inside a struggling country. Slowly he approached the holdout, the location of where it was said the War Lord to be, soon noticing not trained soldiers but more like volunteers with rusted gear. He slowly moved through the trenches, inspecting each hut made out of tents and spare metal, eventually finding not a warlord, but a revolution leader. As the two meet eye to eye, they put down their weapons, no blood would be shed, only words and opinions.

From Dusk til Dawn, the two talked and chatted about their lives and cause. He soon leaves with a smile on his face, picking up his sword and putting a hood over his head. He was stopped by one of the soldiers walking in, but the leader soon asked for Gwynfor to be escorted out and not executed. With this newfound perspective, he soon realized what he felt the need to do. When he walked in, mission incomplete, Gwynfor went to the head of his Bounty Hunter HQ and quit right on the spot. He was tired of how blind he was going into missions, tired of nothing but death after death, and decided he had enough. But when he left, he was blocked by his fellow bounty hunters, determined to make him stay. But just how he ended up entering this life, he struck down those in his path as he headed out, going deep into the forest. 

But they did not stop, as now he was a bounty many tried and failed to kill. He ran far and wide, hiding in sight until he entered one of the buildings run by the Mercenary Guild. They did not push him away however, like the revolutionary leader before, they only asked and talked to Gwynfor while all their weapons were easy to grab just in case. He was soon offered a talk with the head of the current Guild Building as his entry was not pathed with blood, but with diplomacy. It was more akin to an interview: what his skills are, what would make him a good or great mercenary, and about his past life and actions; all of which Gwynfor told and confessed, not wanting to keep anything in the dark.

After a few days, he was soon accepted into the Guild and presented with the row of jobs on offer. Finally, there were hardly any missions that required murder, there were: Escorts, Gathering, diplomatic duties, Guarding, and rarely any elimination or assassination missions. It felt like the kind of break he needed, and once he was looking forward to.

Now he is one of the more well-known in the Mercenary Guild. His skills, dedication and Ice Magic made him one of the candidates most look forward to when he selects the mission. But the bounty hunters still keep coming after him as punishment for him leaving. Sometimes he has other Mercenaries by his side to help him, other times he is alone to take on the hunters. But whatever may happen and whoever may come his way, he shall not hesitate to defend the lives of those around him and his choice to carve his own fate.