If 4s still open I can offer $30

 send the money to [email protected] please!

Sent! C-side

Lemme know if it went through ^^

Cause it says it’s on hold?

it did ty! transferred them over!

Ahhh I offer anyone in my TH that’s not a dreamie for 1 ;v;

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you can send the money to [email protected] whenever you're ready! 

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yeah of course!

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I can offer a starpy design for the third aa 


Would u take the design in the comment I replied to for any other than the last?
I like them all but the one I wanted is taken ^^ so  I’d love to just have one picked out 

I'll offer anyone in my Secondary folder for #2 😭💖

uhm..hello? :'3

aaa sorry!! 

Is that the only design you liked? ;;

yeah aaaa ;w; it's fine if u don't wanna trade

im sorry but if you don't reply in 24h i'm gonna have to accept another offer ;3;

aaa I'll have to decline then! Sorry for the trouble ;;

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10$ + 2 chibi fullbodies for 3 or/and 5!!

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$10 and a couple shaded fullbodies for 1, 5, or 6?

$30 for 4 lemme know if anyone out bids me

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I can offer 40$ + 1k points and a shaded fullbody for 5 (if its ok to wait till Thursday for payment)

Also please let me know if someone on DA outbids me!

Can also addon as many characters as you want from 300Moths

i'll accept ur offer!! :'3
you can send the money to [email protected]
and the points here https://www.deviantart.com/mintmip/commission/1k-for-sade-3-1487915
whenever you're ready!

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Hey! I'd like to offer $8 for 6!

EDIT : I’ll bump my offer to $16 and I can offer more if a better usd offer comes along! Just let me know.

I can offer 2 icons or 2 fully shaded fullbodies for number 3 and 6!

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