


2 years, 4 months ago


Champion of Radiance 『SOLARION』

  • Full Name: Yonosuke Himawari
  • Kanji: 日廻 陽之助
  • Age: 57
  • Gender: Male

Born from the wealthy and influencial Himawari household, Yonosuke is the one odd child according to those in the family. His boisterous mannerisms, adventurous spirit, as well as his somewhat eccentric personality clashes against his rather conservative family members. However his genius and passion for his study on ancient civilizations is rarely unacknowledged. That passion got Yonosuke to earn recognition in the field and became a certified archaeologist.

(Will expand on and polish this later, but here are some bulletpoints)

  • Yonosuke was requested to retrieve the Sun Gem from the BoroBoro Gang, a notorious group of thieves hellbent on getting the world's priceless artifacts
  • The Sun Gem in his hands, Yonosuke suddenly gained pyrokinetic abilities (as long as he holds the gem), and despite wanting to return it, the Egyptian Sun God goes "hey do me a favor and keep it, also fight some evil stuff for me will ya" and yonosuke's like "ok"
  • Anyway he's the hero SOLARION!! 
  • though victorious, his final showdown against the great evil being of darkness ends up injuring his leg which leaves him limp for the rest of his life, forcing him to retire from his spelunking
  • 32 years later, he would train an young man named Kaede to become Solarion's successor.
Other notes:
  • He's basically Indiana Jones but has a cool hero suit
  • His theme is the falcon, based after Ra the Egyptian deity of the sun