


2 years, 3 months ago
thatchase Cityscyes



Gender Female

Breed Wolf / Collie

Birthday Jun. 5th

Affiliation True North Labs

Song Runaway


Phoenix is a demigod, cast out by her father and left to roam without her memories. Nikolas found her and recognized the power she held, quickly taking advantage of her naive nature. She was taken to Fomoire and made a warrior under his name, and as she excelled he was given the prizes from her victory. Phoenix became the champion, nearly worshiped on this twisted world and granted relief from the arena, except for the occassional fight. During that time she fell further into Nikolas's manipulation, unable to see the warning signs. However, when she was kidnapped one night and awoke inside the arena once more, facing a horrid monster of a dog with the announcer proclaiming that today would be the day she is killed, Phoenix saw Nikolas in the stands and knew he'd betrayed her.

In the fight, the beast Balor's blindfold slipped, and as the pair locked eyes he seemed somewhat alarmed. All who had met his eyes before perished immediately, and yet she stood unshaken. That moment of silence shifted things, Balor suddenly turning his attention to the stands and Phoenix standing with him. The pair escaped the arena and worked for a way to escape before they were found by Calazar who promptly shut down the riot. Phoenix was returned to her quarters under heavy watch. However, Calazar made an offer, promising "more freedom" should she agree to let him study her powers. She refused initially, and remained steadfast for some time, but the torment of being in a cage for most of her life finally drove her to accept the offer.

To her surprise, Calazar truly meant his promise. She was brought back to Moonbain and granted complete freedom, only a request that she return to him occassionally to fulfil her end of the deal. She took to this freedom immediately, exploring the world she had missed for so long, but eventually she did return to Calazar. Grateful for what he'd done, she was willing to cooperate with him, learning more about how to use her powers in the process. Time passed, and things became complicated. Though there were some feelings, both quickly turned and rejected it, prefering to ignore it and not explore what may have been. However, what happened had happened, and Phoenix was faced with raising a pup. Though both had decided it was better to not explore a relationship, Phoenix did not hide him and brought their pup to see him when she came to continue research while also continuing on her own life and pursuits beyond Calazar.


Height 26in.

Build Sleek

Demeanor Gentle yet strong


  • Items are optional.
  • Despite her past, has very few scars.


Friendly Reserved
Polite Blunt
Clever Foolish
Sensitive Tough
Brave Timid
Careful Reckless
Sincere Deceptive
Diligent Lazy
Calm Irritable
Humorous Serious

Gentle and poilite, but no longer naive. Phoenix is wary of starngers but does her best to not be rude. Her strength is hidden by her gentle nature, something which has helped grant her a peaceful life after earning her freedom.




Daughter of an ice deity, inherited power over ice / cold in a variety of ways.

Close with Calazar but is unaware of his past cruelty beyond tales in the arena.

Phoenix is a good mother and grants a lot of freedom, watching and encouraging from a slight distance.

With her freedom, Phoenix is peaceful but does not necessiarly keep her powers hidden. She uses them as needed to aid others, though rarely uses them to their full extent.





Phoenix is close with him, but both keep a strong boundary with one another. She views him as a teacher and friend, and in her eyes she holds an eternal debt to him for giving her freedom.




After realizing his betrayal Phoenix no longer trusts Nikolas, though she has not seen or herd from him since Calazar helped her get out.