Mako's Comments

I'm interested! what are you wanting for a WTA? Like a story or character ideas or what?

hi there, thank you for the interest!

for the WTA, a short paragraph or so about character ideas you might have would be fine c: it doesn't need to be super detailed either, so no worries


She's a seamstress who's secretly a witch. She lives in a forest near a beach town where she goes to sell clothing, plushies, and accessories she makes as well as do mending for anyone who needs it. Nothing she mends ever breaks! She loves animals, she forages in the forest to gather food to leave out for the wildlife and spends a lot of time at the aquarium in town. She's kind of a loner by nature but not unfriendly, she just feels like animals understand her better than people. But she loves fixing things for others and seeing how happy it makes them.

alrighty, that all sounds good to me! ^o^/ she's all yours