


2 years, 2 months ago



The snippy lead medic of the Shedor Militia.

  • Name Prinn
  • Age 34
  • Height 4'10"
  • Occupation Medic
  • Weapons of Choice Staves
  • Personality

    Prinn mostly keeps to herself and keeps her head down in her work, yelling at anyone who makes her job harder than it needs to be. She has a short fuse, if only because she feels the weight of her work on her shoulders often.

  • Appearance

    Prinn dresses in dark armor with purple and silver accents. She has poofy sleeves with black metal gauntlets. A lot of her armor design takes inspiration from Nohrian soldier armor.

  • Likes Sunny weather, pegasi, singing
  • Dislikes All nighters, surprises, other people singing
  • Backstory

    A flier staff healer of the militia. Prinn is often compared to Fray with how strict she is, but she tends to nag a lot more. She’s always seen around the castle busy with a job, and while she does like to complain, she always volunteers to do more. Prinn often gets bonuses due to her hard work and being the head of the healers of the militia.

  • Arden, Lamonte Friends

    Prinn was familiar with Lamonte's family even before she had joined the Militia, being of a minor noble family herself. Over the years, having been in the Militia for so long, Prinn, Lamonte, and Arden have grown a rapport with each other and form an interesting trio.

  • Trivia
    • ● Prinn has risen through the ranks during the timeskip to become the head medic of the Shedor Militia.
    • ● Prinn's hairstyle was inspired by Yukari Takeba in Persona 3.
    • ● Prinn is usually the straightman in any antics performed by the other members of the Militia, though she has been known to tell a lie or two.

profile html by Hukiolukio