Kaori (Baby Mode (17))



Kaori is kind of famous for who her parents were- but not in a good way. People tend to not trust her based off her looks, which results in her having little to no one to talk to. The two people she is closest to are her mother and Hail.

She doesn't smile often, and is always focused on proving herself to others. She was accepted by Zoroark to be trained as the next warden and the clans still don't take her seriously. As days pass, the weight of others' expectations and fears of her weigh her down tremendously...

But she is determined not to break. She has to show her mother that she can survive on her own and will be fine if anything ever happens to her.

She hangs out with her friend Hail a lot when not training and likes to visit the Zorua and Zoroark that live in her lord's area (They are less hostile than the ones that live further up North)

Daughter of Volo