


2 years, 3 months ago


Aosawfichi; to capture bone


Isolated • Smart • Curious

Name Sporetail
Called Bonesmasher, Spore, Aosawfichi
Pronouns He/him, It/its, Nya/nyas, Hiss/hisses
Demeanor Abrasive and reclusive, yet cool
Role Knight
Species Cat
Height 9.3 inches
Status Dead
Affiliation Cats of the New Moon
HTML Pinky

Sporetail, or Spore is a fairly avoidant cat. Nya tends to not fare well with others, disliking physical contact and overcrowding, and tends to only work well with others that it especially favours. Otherwise it will be abrasive, disrespectful, and disgruntled. Regardless of its opinion, he has a strong commitment to the bit, and frequently will forget grudges in lieu of making a joke, although in general, he tends to have issues remembering things, both from postmortum amnesia and being generally forgetful. For the most part, Sporetail's most common expression is distaste, but he tends to be in general hard to gauge and peculiar. Often times, nya will chew at its chew stim toy, or lacking that, bite at his paw. Other habits include copying or mirroring others habits and phrases.



  • Yarrowclaw
  • Eating Bugs
  • Chewing
  • Jokes
  • The Puddle
  • Boars


  • Toadstool
  • Shelduck
  • Fury
  • The Firedrake
  • Authority
  • Other Cats

Cats of the New Moon

Sporetail is a member of a clan of cats known as Cats of the New Moon, or CotNM. Cats of the new moon live in a tropical savanna, similar to the Timor and Wetar deciduous forests and the Bushveld of the real world. In the clan, there as a Leader, Deputy and a Doctor, as well as Hunters and Knights. Hunters hunted food and finished off enemies, meanwhile Knights fought battles and defended territory. Additionally, Denkeeps existed to take care of kits. They worship the Moon, who has been dead for many many winds, killed by his sibling, the Night. Recently, the entire clan had been wiped out, first from war, then from sickness. Most of the CotNM who died went to the stars, however several, like Sporetail, were affected by the Moon's influence, and would persist after death as moonchildren, akin to ghosts. Moonchildren are transparent, hard to see, and drip tar, causing ruin to nearby plant life. They cannot interact with the physical world, lest they have specific leaf gloves to interact with.

In Death

Upon waking, the moonchildren lacked memory, lacked themselves, lacked connections. If anything, they knew their names, although not all were that lucky. They were aided by three gods, the Old Gods, first to exist, and known as Mnah, the Prey, Imiz, the Eater, and Ujex, the Waste Taker. The three were guiding over the new confused cats, although their goal was unknown, it seemed to revolve around a cat known as Scarab. Later, they would learn her to be Firestarter, cursed long ago by the three Old Gods, and seemingly destined to destroy the world. And thus, later still, it was found that the moonchildren are hopefully to help, prevent that kind of suffering, as they could listen when typically a gods word would ruin a cat. But that's not to say that there isn't more to the story...


Tadorna was an event that occured when Thornwhirr, aided by Yarrowclaw and Sporetail, argued with Ujex, refusing his knowledge, demanding that he had done something to stop their suffering in life; to have saved the clan from death. Ujex did not take well to this, and the three were reborn, in bodies resembling since passed family members. There they travelled with Shelduck, a cat known to have killed a god, and cursed with life as well. This was supposed to be non-traumatic. However with Shelduck's lies twisting their thoughts, their excursion back into life becmae riddled with complications. First Spiderpaw, Thornwhirr's alias, killed by Thrushpaw, of whom Yarrowclaw was renamed. Killed to get back to the CotNM, and to stop another from catastrophe. And then next was Thrushpaw, killed by the prior cat's mistake, blazed in a firey death before it was simply Bonepaw alone, to suffer with Shelduck, who left soon after. And then he travelled to his death, with only the Threadsnake as guidance for nya to return back home after nyas second death.

  • Sporetail was created and named after the Spore Blossom from Minecraft. However in canon, his name is from his bulbous tail and fungus-themed family.
  • Sporetail canonically invented Among Us!! What a Sussy Baka! This is why its human design often features an Among Us T-Shirt or earrings.
  • Of all the cats in Retribution, Sporetail has been cursed the most, to the point that he cannot remember how many times that nya has been cursed.
  • Nya is a great storyteller, and while it doesn't typically enjoy being around kits, his storytelling habits tend to be helpful in scenarios when it would be around children, such as Vio.
  • If Sporetail was a human, its name would be Steve. Additionally, as a human, Spore would primarily use his neopronouns, and only allow he/him among friends and family.


Toadstool is Sporetail's father, one of three parents to him and Moldbright. At best, the relationship between the two is strained, with Sporetail refusing its fathers attempts to support him, and similarly, with Toadstool struggling to give Sporetail space. That's not to say that they cannot get along, but it seems to be more likely that they avoid each other.



In life, Sporetail and Moldbright didn't always get along, and while even in death, they've had their differences, they're both on pretty good terms, with Moldbright being one of the few cats Sporetail enjoys spending time with, and cats that it confides in.



Sporetail's bro, best friend, and brother in curses. Also happens to be Moldbright's platonic soulmate, but that's excusable. Yarrowclaw is the cat that Sporetail would say he is closest to. They were cursed together, engaged with the Songbird together, and also were together throughout Tadorna.