Azalea ([♥AzaLuc♥])



2 years, 2 months ago


Gender Female
Orientation Heterosexual
Birthday April 7th
Nation Mondstadt
Gender Male
Orientation Im so unsure
Birthday April 30th
Nation Mondstadt
Height Difference

Age Difference
1 year

Big spoon
Little spoon
Lends clothes
Borrows clothes
Doesn't use pet names
Uses pet names
Affection through words
Affection through actions
Confesses first
Waits for confession
Screams about the bugs
Squashes bugs with a shoe
Drives the car
Can't drive
Can't cook
Makes dinner
Dislikes PDA
Loves PDA
Has more relationship experience
Has no relationship experience
Their Relationship

Azalea and Diluc were in the past childhood friends. He, alongside Jean, were the only friends Azalea had, and she was the one who purposed things to do all the time. Azalea was energetic and really caring with both of her friends, but she slowly assumed most of her family teachings, and both Jean and Diluc became part of the Knights of Favonius while Azalea was not allowed to be with them. She admired Diluc, since he was one of the youngest Chalvary Captains and also had incredible skills. Due to this, she also wanted to fight alongside him and Jean, and didn’t want to grow up distant with them just because of this. But it happened, and she can’t even tell when did that started. She only knows how she distanced herself from Diluc.

She would eventually fall for Diluc, but seeing which kind of relationship he had with Jean, interpreting it was a love relationship, she stayed back, but she slowly realized that became more intense, so she aimed herself to confess her feelings to him. However, she was about to choose the worst moment, since in that day, Diluc’s father died, and she went to give condolences to him. She heard he left the Knights of Favonius, and she asked him about it. The intention was just to know his reasons why, but it leaded to a discussion, since Azalea could not believe the Knights of Favonius was like that. "But maybe they could have their own reasons". "Which kind of reasons? Take the credit of my father’s sacrifice? I saw him with my own eyes!" Azalea was not being reasonable enough, since, despite understanding his pain, she was not believing the Knights could do something such. "I am getting tired of your principles, to be honest. Why can’t you even listen? I guess you are just like them, and you cannot be a little reasonable. You won’t go anywhere with just blindly believing whatever those principles of yours can be". Angrily, Diluc stormed out of there, and, even though she understood he was in a bad moment, she took his words in a bad way, feeling some hatred towards him after that, and assuming he hated her and the knights of Favonius. She had to go to Fontaine anyway, so she didn’t see him after that.

Four years later, Azalea was part of the Knights of Favonius, and she was recollecting some information for her duty, but she saw Diluc walking through the city, what shocked her. She didn’t expect to see him ever again, and she just walked in. In nighttime, she was about to do her sheduled job of fighting against monsters, now with a geo vision. However, there were not many dangers, since she saw someone else doing her job by his own. Just looking at his silhouette and hair realizing it was Diluc who did it, which just made her get angry, but she kept working by her own and just ignored him. One night, a house was getting in flames and a kid was still in the house, so she decided to rescue him. Despite she managed to get him out of there, she was trapped in the house, since a wooden beam fell into her, and she remained trapped in there. She tried to get out, but she was severally injuried. Her ankle hurted so much and she tried to get out of there as soon as possible, she was getting out of oxygen and the flamess didn’t seem to stop. She doesn’t remember what happened after that, she only knew she was being carried by someone when she recovered her conscience. That one was Diluc, going to the church to be attended by Barbara. He just left after that, but some time later, she looked for him and thanked him for that. They didn’t make up that easy, but, at least, they started talking back again. They fight side by side in the city of freedom, and they both have a better relationship than before, that for sure. Even though they still disagree in many topics, at least they share their dislikeness towards Kaeya, the wine and their will to protect Mondstadt


Azalea’s thoughts about Diluc

"He is also another annoying one... he acts like all knights of Favonius are corrupted and all of it... oh, but he thinks he is making "justice" with that... like if his "justice" was the only valid one... Tch, I just cannot stand him, this makes my blood boil. I do not really hate him like that, it is just... we have different points of view"

"I really hate when he does the big job, and I know it’s not to help me, as if I would need it. Of course, my nighttime work allowed me to know about the "Dark Night Hero", and I just do not know how we end up finding each other at one point. Hmm, maybe I should have a conversation with him, but I still wonder if he still hates me for what happened between us. Hm, don’t look at me like that"

Diluc’s thoughts about Azalea

"Hm, after a certain incident, miss Salazar and I don’t get along as well as we used to in the past, things changed and I don’t see them making up. I recognize her abilities, and, to be honest, I don’t particularly hate her, but she should learn to not overthink things"

"Even though we’re technically in bad terms, we left our differences beside during nighttime, so we can protect our nation. It’s one of the moments in which we can just have a peaceful conversations without having a discussion, and, to be honest, she’s helpful to me, I guess she does her work and I would reccommend her to sleep, but I guess it’s her problem"


  • They both work during nighttime to ensure Mondstadt’s security, but, in the moments nothing happens, they usually stay in a bank and talk while seeing the sky. Azalea actually regrets nothing about her sleeping schedule for things like these
  • Both Azalea and Diluc are curently in good terms, despite what things could seem in the outside, Azalea acts quite sarcastic with him mostly to keep pretending she does not like him more than actual naturity
  • Azalea likes having cuddles and some physical contact, but she knows she has to let his space to Diluc. I bet he would make some cute things like occasionally playing with her hands or hugging or something when they are alone.
  • When they were children, Diluc used to give Azalea some lampgrasses and she gave him some windwheel asters back
  • I bet both of them are pretty detailed with dates and important events during their relationship, and both of them would try to make good gifts for their anniversary, birthday or anything such
  • Diluc sometimes gives her some information to help her in her investigations using Perl as a "middleman". Even though Azalea would not like to be helped, she thinks it is Perl who gets the information she needs
  • Aza likes wearing Diluc’s coat and usually borrows it from him when he doesn’t have it over him
  • Diluc would be the kind of boyfriend who would definitely look for Aza to make sure she is fine and would take care of her while being sick or injuried