
2 years, 3 months ago


The Undead Tasmanian 

Due to it being an extinct species the procedure to resurrect it almost failed until the necromancer thought of combining a Siberian tiger spirit. Then Tahz was born, a fantastically colored tiger that looks not quite Siberian or Tasmanian. 

The satisfied necromancer tried to raise him as a companion and teach him how to command the dead, but perhaps his very being coming from the undead caused animosity between him and the other undead. Tahz believed that to be summoned to life against ones will, and subsequently ordered to do things by the living, is worse than death. He refused to do anything for the necromancer, but he was unable to do anything about his predicament being summoned by her and thus unable to leave her against her will. He could also not die, being the undead.

When the necromancer had enough of his aggression and uncooperativeness, she sook out help. A young exorcist caught her eye, as they seemed talented, didn’t seem like they had the strength to refuse her pushing on ownership, and had a job rather opposite to hers.  

Tahz went with her to visit compliantly, as she had told him her plan. When they arrived at the exorcist’s house, the two people struck up a conversation while Tahz observed the area. It was one of the most peaceful and quiet places he’d ever been because there weren’t any spirits around, unlike at the necromancer’s.

Then, suddenly, came the moment of unbondage. Tahz felt a floaty transcending feeling, and hoped for a moment that he had died, but he realized that both people were looking at him and he was not anywhere different. Then the necromancer briskly walked away, looking back once, before mounting a spirit horse and galloping off.

When Tahz locked eyes with the exorcist he at first wanted to bolt, but instead was transfixed by the sympathy in their eyes. 

“Do you… want me to exorcise you?”

They asked softly. Tahz nodded, wondering if he could finally return to rest. 

Unfortunately, it did not work. Despite the exorcist’s efforts, Tahz continued to exist. However, he suddenly started to levitate, and three wisps began to float around him. They had no indication of sentience, but moved as if they did.

Since Tahz had nothing better to do, he simply followed the exorcist around by choice. There was something calming about their quietness and the lack of other spirits in their vicinity.

Months of a silent relationship passed, until one day the exorcist got a request. Naturally Tahz tagged along, floating as ever. When the pair arrived at the scene it seemed barren, but when a massive shark-like spirit lined out of the ground and was about to bite the exorcist Tahz automatically reacted. He sent his two blue wisps out, which caused the shark to hesitate, and his black wisps out, which hit the shark and stunned it. The exorcist, who had been startled and had fallen, shared a wordless look with Tahz and proceeded to fully exorcise the shark.

Since then, Tahz and the exorcist have been an inseparable duo, Tahz working to free spirits from what he perceives as suffering while the exorcist works for other people.