Hi! I'd love to offer anyone in here and/ or art for a custom! 

Hi!! I'd love to do a custom for you! I'm currently closed for comms/art atm, would it be alright if I can put your custom on a waiting list for a bit?

I'd love to get a headshot pixel gif from you if that's alright? If you are interested in my offer you can send me a message through inbox with the custom details!! :]

If this is still open can I get one of the custom slots?
I really like the oni design and was wondering if you would be willing to do an oni tiefling custom? ^u^

Yeah my custom slots are still open!!
I would love to do a oni design for you, can you send me the details you would like for the design to my inbox?
Further payment can be discussed afterwards-

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Yeah ofc, I can do certain closed species! Please let me know which species though, and make sure you have permission to make one! :D

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I'll be able to draw them!

Please send me a message through my inbox with the details you'd like for the design, I'll let you know about the payment afterwards!

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$15 Funky Oni

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I'll accept your offer, I'll send you a message in a bit!