


2 years, 3 months ago


Name: Bjorn
Age: Adult (4 years)

Gender: Male
Height:  40 in
Weight: 120 lbs

Build: A  very chunky man. Bjorn is built like a mountain with powerful muscles  and a nice, thick layer of fat to top it all off. His paws are very  large and fluffy, his tail and ears short. Overall, this is a big bear  man.

Territory: Arkat
Family: Sune (Father, Alive) | Tove (Mother, Alive)
Rank: None

 Friendly  - A very open and outgoing lad, Bjorn is almost always seen with a  smile on his face and tries very hard to make friends with everyone he  sees.
 Optimistic  - Bjorn is convinced that everything will work out in the end. He's  been lucky in life so far, so surely nothing bad could happen!
 Compassionate - Bjorn cares for all of his family and pack and just wants to help and support them.
 Easy-going  - Bjorn is very much a 'go with the flow' sort of guy. Doesn't matter  what's happening, he'll work with it all in stride!
 Dependent - Due to his disability, Bjorn cannot survive on his own for a prolonged period.
 Gullible - Certainly no one would ever have bad intentions! Bjorn is quick to believe anything anyone says.
 Dense  - This guy's head is more dense than a rock. You're going to have to  really beat through his skull to get anything through to him.
 Weak-willed - Bjorn is quick to give in to anything. He doesn't have the will to stand up for himself, or withstand suffering.

Bjorn  is an extremely friendly and outgoing wolf with a deep love for  everyone around him. However, he does have a learning disability which  leaves him vulnerable to manipulation and lies. He often needs things  shown to him multiple times, and explained very clearly, for lessons to  stick. But he is eager to please and wants to do good and make everyone  proud.

Pre-Group History:
Bjorn grew up in a small pack in a  tundra. He had only a single sibling in his litter, and was the biggest  and strongest of the two. And also the greediest when it came to food.  Without even thinking, since he was just a tiny pup whose only concern  was food, he repeatedly pushed his sibling out of the way to get milk,  until eventually his sibling simply died. As a result, his mother and  father have always felt uncertain of him, and while growing up Bjorn  knew something was odd, he never quite understood why. His relationship  with his parents seemed so different compared to others. It didn't help  that as a youth he was prone to getting into trouble, either through  wandering too far, angering some creature, going places where he  shouldn't... and every time his parents begrudgingly saved him and  lectured him about being careful, only for it to go in one ear and out  the other. Bjorn simply didn't understand.

As he grew into  adulthood, the pack thought that maybe all of the trouble he'd gone  through would be worth it as he quickly showed some amount of talent in  hunting. At least, he was strong enough to take down most prey, even if  he wasn't the best at following directions. The period in which he got  to hunt for his pack was the best of his life, and slowly others thought  maybe they would try to be friends with him. One was a younger female,  named Thyra, who he was able to relate to more than wolves his own age.  They became good friends, playing and joking around frequently. However,  a day came when Bjorn and Thyra were playing together, and Bjorn, being  so much bigger than his smaller companion, forgot his own strength.  After allowing Thyra a moment to pin him and think she'd won at  wrestling he turned around and tried to pin her, but he put too much  weight into it, too fast -- little Thyra's spine snapped.

She  didn't die, not right away. And Bjorn never got a chance to see her die.  She was taken away by her parents, where over the next few days of  trying and failing to save her, they'd eventually put her out of her  misery. Bjorn, however, had his fate sealed immediately. With one death  on his paws, and now seemingly a second, despite neither being  intentional, they decided he simply could not be allowed to stay. Yet no  one could bear to simply chase him away or kill him. Instead, his  mother and father took him for a walk. They walked for a few days, far  away from the territory, before eventually stopping.

"Bjorn,  dear, I'm really hungry," his mother said. "I think I smell a deer that  way. Can you go get it for me?" Bjorn, of course, eagerly obliged.

He  didn't find a deer. But he did eventually catch a rabbit, which he  quickly tried to bring back to his supposed hungry mother and father.  Only, they weren't there anymore. He tried to follow their scent trail,  but it went into a river and disappeared. He returned to where they'd  disappeared and waited. And waited. And waited.

Eventually he  decided to try and find his own way home. But his parents had taken a  confusing route. He got turned around, and in the end, wandered into  Arkat.

Group History: -

Other: Yes he's loosely based off of Lenny from Of Mice and Men.