Whiskers 🎤



2 years, 4 months ago


Whiskers the Cyclops Cat
Age Adult (20's)
Height 5'0" (152.4 cm)
Gender Cis Male (He/Him)
Orientation Gynesexual
Race/Species Cyclops Sphynx Cat
Worth TBD

Fancy Jewelry & Food

Pop Music & Singing

Being Spoiled lol

The Color Pink :]

Being Touched

Being Ignored lol

Mud/Getting Dirty


Grumpy . Snooty . Greedy

To say that Whiskers is a bit off-putting would be a very drastic understatement; in fact, it's rare to find anyone that actually has anything positive to say about the strange cyclops kitty aside from maybe the way he dresses. Just one look at Whiskers (and the look he'd give you when he catches you staring) is definitely more than enough to let anyone know that he's not exactly very friendly nor easily approachable.. nor does he try and make himself seem like he is. He is a very grouchy feline that rarely ever cracks a smile, his ever-present frown usually only deepening when people try to make him happy, as he's not one to be easily impressed and is incredibly judgeful of other people from their personalities to shallow things like the way they look and dress. How exactly he gained such a negative personality isn't exactly known, as not much at all is known about his family, though many suspect that he was a spoiled momma's boy growing up who never made it out of that phase and now goes around acting like (and believing) he's better than everyone else and deserves to be pampered and treated like a celebrity all the time. He has an air for the finer things in life, only ever dressing in fancy clothes and frequently going out to eat at fancy restaurants, and wherever he goes, the workers dread having to look after him and his extremely picky personality. If he's given a dish that's, say, slightly too underdone for his liking, he's that one guy that will berate the server despite it not being their fault and demand to speak to the chef AND the manager. As you could expect, this has led him to not be viewed very favorably by.. well, anyone, really. If he catches anyone staring at him in public, he won't hesitate to call them out, and your best bet is so just stay away from him at all costs to avoid irritating him even further. He will hiss and growl at you, but in a sense he's much more bark than bite and will immediately back away and shrink back into himself (all while grumbling obscenities under his breath) if someone threatens him physically or makes their large, intimidating presence known to him- thankfully easy to do because of his small size. Don't you even dare try to mock him for his height, though, as that might just be the thing that makes him the most angry of all. It's no secret that Whiskers dreams of living the lavish, luxury live, though a (somewhat) more guarded secret of his is the fact that he actually has big dreams of becoming a singer and being on broadway. Every so often, he changes the way he dresses and tries to hide his true appearance (though he's not exactly very good at it) and goes to karaoke with the intent of spreading (and increasing) his singing talents, though how "talented" he really is depends on who you ask, and most people are probably well aware that it's just Whiskers in disguise.. but don't you dare bring that up to him. Perhaps he has a softer side to him that explains some of his behavior, but if that's the case, no one has successfully managed to unearth it.. at least, not yet.

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