Basic Info


Solae Luma

introduction →

Solae (/so-lae/) is a French name meaning "sun". Her last name, Luma, is Latin for moon. Her first and last name fit exceedingly well, for they match the two colors of her Heterochromia eyes.






Solae is a mix between Samoyed x Papillion x fox, if not more, with both her parents being mutts. The pure breeds in her ancestry dates past their family tree. She has the body structure and relative size of a fox, the fur and adaptations for cold like a Samoyed, along with the distinct features of a Papillion.


December 4, 1998


Bluuue Kayai


you are beautiful ❤ in every single way   

History;; Solae grew up in a simple apartment in the middle of New York City, with her older sister Madeleine owned by Drizzle and her mother and father. They lived a high-excitement city life, riding the subway most everywhere and learning the rules of the streets from experience. She was always a good girl, never allowing herself to be trapped in the city's temptations and craziness. Ever since she was young, Lae loved to write. She used to keep a little notebook full of stories in half-understandable writing from when she was five or so. Her curiosity for news and media grew with the constant bubble of activity that came along with the city-life, and she began to investigate and write news stories, with dreams of being a journalist or reporter for the New York Times - the best and most famous newspaper in the city. She had been writing for her school newspaper since middle school, and is always out trying to chase her dream in one way or another, and won't let anything get in her way.

 Personality;; Solae is a very energetic and bright girl, and in one word, she would be best described by, "creative". She's persevering, and optimistic, and when Lae gets her heart set on something she'll work hard to achieve it. She is rather friendly, and doesn't think much of starting chats with strangers, or meeting new people. However, Lae is quick to trust and can often be caught due to her gullible nature. She has always been a good girl, who works hard in school and always wants to please others. She was inspired to follow her dreams and be herself from the constant support of her father. Lae learned many lessons that shaped the person she is today. She is also very quirky and fun to be around, with a running-wild mind and silly jokes. Solae is usually very confident and outgoing, free to be herself and doesn't get hurt my judgement, however she is extremely sensitive to her own and other's feelings. She doesn't like to conform to society, and would be the first to stick up for someone being bullied if she had to. Sometimes, Solae can be extremely clingy due to her nature of wanting to make everyone happy with her and please everyone. She admires her sister, Madeline and when she was younger, she always wanted to be just like her, causing herself to be slightly annoying and clingy.

Quirks;;   Solae has two different colored eyes - her right eye is yellow (ffbe27) and her left eye is a purple-gray (676774).
Lae is a bit obsessed with fruit, especially citrus fruit like grapefruit, oranges and limes. However, she's allergic to strawberries.
Lae thinks she has some connection with memories, and the first thing she would notice about a person would be their expression and what sort of "memories" she would associate it with.
Solae always wears a fedora of some kind, or a scarf. Sometimes she wears thick-rimmed glasses, not because she has bad vision, but rather because she likes the look.

Nationality;; Solae's parents were both born in Brazil, and immigrated to America to raise her and Madeline. Her first language was Portuguese, but she was also taught English during her toddler years.
Fur;; Lae has silky, long fur that is often oily and greasy.
Walk;; Solae's walk is fast, and she focuses on the ground when she's outside.
Voice;; Solae has a loud, bright voice and talks medium-fast. She has a very light Brazilian accent that can become present when she makes vowel sounds in certain words. She can understand Portuguese and can say basic phrases.
Body;; Solae has a slightly curvy figure, not overly skinny nor chubby. She has a large frame with wide shoulders, and a lot of fur.