


2 years, 7 months ago



AGE 14 Years
AVIAN Andean Condor
MAMMAL Mandrill
KINGDOM Rainforest
OCCUPATION Citizen (Pirate Captain)
RANK Citizen

Profile template by Circlejourney<
Edits by AnonSpice

Girfugol is a gryphon based RP/ARPG group with aspects of medieval mythology and magic; hosted on discord and deviantart.

"How cute."




-Mako is excellent at keeping her temper, often choosing to not take people seriously on their insults, cooing at them instead.
-She's very good at convincing others to do something for her, whether that's bribery or tricking them depends on the individual.

-The only way someone would attract her ire would be to insult her kin. Something as simple as a throw-away comment could have her seeking bloodshed.
-She'd do anything for Ignite, whether it's wrong or right. Whatever she wants, Mako will make it happen.



Purchased traits
Black Paint x2
Unprecedented Occurance x1
Size class
Weight class
Plot Death
Crushed by falling object (rock, tree, etc.)
Mako is a heavy built harpy that mainly consists of a brown coat of varying shades. Her head has a large caruncle with light blue tissue on the sides of her snout and a bright red stripe that goes from the base of her beak to her forehead. Beak is small yet sharp, with lengthy fur on her chin with a yellow stripe that goes from the base of the beak to her cheek and white fur that fades around her muzzle. She wears black paint under her eyes in the shape of three squares on the back half of the bottom lid. Mako’s wings consist of a large black wingspan that has white highlights on the bottom.


The hen’s story began with a small family, one that had little to their name and decades of battle prowess under their wings. She was one of two nestlings that had survived through the hardship of gestation, despite her quickly gained runt status. While she was much smaller than her sibling, the nestling proved to be quite feirce and fussy. Oftentimes, she’d try to steal her brother’s food, despite having her own equal portion. As a fledgling, she began to grow out of her selfish tendencies, at least to her brother, that is. She still wasn’t the nicest, wanting others to know she was “top dog”, and was swift to reprimand others who challenged that. It was her brother who would have to split up any fights she’d started since he quickly became the one person she’d listen to, other than her own parents of course.

Soon enough, Mako began to feel comfortable enough in her own skin that she didn’t feel the need to fight every passerby that looked at her. Her personality took a sharp turn from the obnoxious and loud fledgeling, to a silent student. As time went on, she began to notice that silence is an amazing tool. You can find out a lot of things by just being quiet, how people have a tendency to talk without even meaning to. The harpy was quick to use it, relishing in the way Avus squirmed under her silent gaze, refusing to respond to whatever the Avus was saying. They all seemed to do the same thing, like a pattern, a code she had memorized. Scallop was quick to catch onto her trick though, and would just stare back at her without uttering a word. They’d often play this game to see who would break the silence first, but it would typically end up with a bystander getting creeped out and interrupting before either one could crack.

As a citizen of the Rainforest kingdom, she tended to her parents' business while they were away. Her brother had gone with them to battle, while Mako stayed behind. Besides, she found a new hobby. Only a little while after they’d left, she found a small group of Avus who offered her a well paying job, as they “could benefit from her employment” as they stated. It was simple, her job was to go between the rainforest and plains kingdoms and gather any information that may come in use, something someone would pay for that is. While her mind wondered for a minute of the moral issues this would pose, the sack of copper that weighed her down was quick to wash it down the drain.

There were only a handful of Avus in this business, all of differing kingdoms that weren’t too caught up in the whole loyalty thing. One of which was a gryphus named Ignite, and she was something else. And that wasn’t in a good way, as Mako and her often clashed. She remembers the first couple times they met, they only referred to each other as, “Leopard” and “Mandrill”. Mako loved teasing the uptight hen, to watch her snap at the harpy as she would successfully get under her fur. After a stern warning from their boss in the form of a death threat, the two had gotten used to each other’s presence, often making it into a competition on who would get their employer’s praise. Ignite is very good at getting what she wants, a headstrong avus much like Mako herself. While she’d convinced herself that the burning in her was a hatred for the hen, the harpy had no idea what she’d felt the day Ignite was sent away. She was only on a mission in the mountain kingdom, and it was only for a few days. Not that Mako was supposed to care, but she was assigned to stay in the rainforest to gather more details on that pipsqueak of a prince. Those felt like the longest days of her life, she didn’t want to wait, she wanted her hard headed coworker back! Mako could hardly work, Ignite occupying every waking thought. Everything was going smooth, perfect even, it was when he returned that she had to keep it together. Her brother Scallop had returned home from the front lines, but he noticed that she was distant. No matter how many times she reassured, he pried and pushed at her like he'd always do, and she refused to speak a word. Over time, he'd grown restless from her lack of cooperation. She'd been so careful, she'd made sure of it! Mako's confidence had been shot when she heard his shocked gasp. Begging him, she told him not to utter a word of this. But he refused, "My loyalty is to the kingdom! I will not stand for this." He hissed to her, turning his back on his little sister. Mako knew what had to happen, she just prayed to the dragons that she wouldn't have to do it, not like this. All Scallop heard was the rush of leaves and the sharp pain in his neck. As he toppled over on the ground in a panic, he looked up to see Mako with blood coating her beak. His vision suddenly went dark as something collided with his skull, his breath fleeing his body for the last time. Mako doesn't like remembering it, because all she can remember was the fact that she didn't cry.

It was only a few days later that the brown and black gryphus walk through the entry of their poorly constructed hide-out. The hen was battered and bruised, stumbling into her home. Mako treated her with such gentleness, tending to her with such care. After that, Mako saw her in a whole new light. Like the flames of an ember, enchanting as it twirled in the darkness. While she’d still tease the hen, she also began to bring gifts of jewelry and silk. It made the harpy’s heart sing when she saw Ignite wearing it openly, knowing if the gryphus didn’t like something, she wouldn’t let it go unnoticed. While they still bickered, it was much more light-hearted than the death threats they’d send each other daily. Their world came to a violent halt the day they got found out. There was a weak link in their business, which caused a chain reaction to form. They’d been ratted out, and employers were to be executed for their crimes against their kingdoms. As the fires of the kiln broke loose, Mako and Ignite fled deep into the Northern kingdom. After a few days of running about and hiding away, they found themselves taking refuge on Albatross Isle. With what few copper they had left, they settled in a cave in the cliffside of a cove facing out towards the open ocean. Mako vowed to create an empire for Ignite, one that would dwarf those before.

After two years of hiding, Mako and Ignite had their first child. While not of their own flesh and blood, the little egg was found on the outskirts of Albatross Isle, likely deemed a dud by her birth parents. Her name was Anemone, a sickly little gryphus that had the same attitude as her mothers. A fierce little nestling that would make sure you'd know her woes as she constantly squeaked for attention. The two had several clutches before, but had no luck as far as survivors. While she aged, the little one was having a lot of trouble growing. She was ill all the time, and couldn't seem to gain any weight, no matter how much the mother's tried. After 1 year of struggling to keep their daughter healthy, she passed. The tragedy shattered them, as Mako powered through the grief to keep their faction afloat. She loved that child more than life itself, and to see her so still, the warmth gone from her little body had made her break in way that would never mend. Ignite and Mako love each other, that much can be said, but they've distanced from each other since the incident. Mako is far too stubborn to sit and dwell, so she delves herself into her work to keep the pain at bay. Besides, Ignite needs some time to grieve aswell, they'll meet back in the middle again once they're ready. Even in these terrible times, Mako's loyalty to Ignite never faultered, she just hopes that her love can see that. With the war picking up again, maybe she’d help nudge the kingdoms in the right direction. After all, war is quite good for business. Mako promised her love that she'd return to her side once her plan was in motion, and left to the Rainforest Kingdom once more.




Mother Doesn't know what she's up to, doesn't care for that much.
Father Doesn't know what he's up to, doesn't care for that much.
Anenome Deceased Daughter, loved more than anything, misses her every day.
Ignite Fiance, loves dearly and would give her the world.
Scallop Deceased Brother, misses him.


Insert character What they think of character
Insert Character What they think of character
Insert character What they think of character

90 cm
Length(W/ Tail)
120 cm
Length(W/out Tail)
114 cm
35 lb.
Wing Span
304 cm
Average MPH(On foot)
25 MPH
Average MPH(In flight)
56 MPH



  • The ocean
  • Thunder storms
  • Fighting, whether it's her or others, she doesn't care which


  • Kiss-ups
  • Insects
  • When others are condescending to her


  • Mako is a decent swimmer and finds the ocean calming, she likes to catch fish herself.
  • N/a