Agent Sarah Barnet



2 years, 4 months ago


  • You are a field agent for the Coronatus branch of AnthroHex which is an institution that is primarily concerned with the apprehension and containment of anomalous items, places, and people. In order to protect itself from interference and sabotage, AnthroHex keeps as much of itself secret as it can. For this reason, you have little knowledge of many areas of the Institution including what goes on at the containment sites. However you do know of the dealings of your branch and the ones directly linked to it. Coronatus is tasked with finding and quietly containing anomalies. They typically work closely with a handler from Bagheera, the information gathering and retention division, and yours is a young woman named Harper Bell. You don't know much about Agent Bell, but you've developed a comradery with her over years of working together. The other branches you have interacted with are Vespula and Silphindae. Vespula (or yellow jackets as they like to call themselves) are responsible for violent containments or to deal with Hysteria level anomalous events. They are typically armed and armored and are not shy about detaining bystanders as well as anomalies. The last branch, Silphindae, are called in to clean up after messy containments and mask any anomalous and unexplainable damage as natural or man-made. They are a serious bunch of medics, janitors, carpenters, bureaucrats, and more that would prefer to never need to be on scene. Last week you received your current assignment from Agent Bell. You are to investigate a disturbance at a mall off of highway 114 in McCallum, Oklahoma. Included was the address of the mall, a plane ticket, and a reservation for a car from a local rental chain