


8 years, 10 months ago

Basic Info

Full Name

Eveth Irafaire

Age (Astryian years)

29 (still a teenager, human age would be 17)










Lingual Specialist


Eve, Shorty, Cuttlefish


Skov (Adopted older brother), has a mother and father back at home

Relationship Status




Recently nearing the end of her schooling, Eve has traveled to earth to learn the languages and document them in earnest detail.

She is sharp, witty, sweet, but also blunt and to the point. Eve, sociable by default, enjoys talking about many things, as it gives her the opportunity to practice pronunciation in any given language. Often she'll ask how to pronounce certain words, closely watching the person's lips to an almost uncomfortable level.

Keeping several kinds of language books in her living space (which is currently a decently sized apartment), Eve will spend several days straight learning different languages, having the tendency to get lost in the stacks of books and never-ending flow of words. Already having mastered English as her first earth language, French as her second, and Spanish as her third, Eve can speak a good amount of Russian, a respectable bit of German, and on her 3rd earth year, she’s learning the ins and outs of Chinese.

Eve lives with her adopted brother, Skov, whom of which is a weapons specialist. In their apartment, bickering ensues on a weekly basis, however, they’re usually pretty damn agreeable about most things that go on in their apartment. Skov will often, more than not, urge her to poke her nonexistent nose out of the books and eat something already, or go outside and stretch. She’ll of course smile without fail, and politely tell him, “later,” before diving her face back into a thick tome.

On the days she does go outside, Eve often wraps up her tentacle-like hair into a sort of hijab, hiding under the guise that she’s some sort of amphibian. Often this works, what with her stingray-like skin smoothness and lack of body hair/fur, however it doesn’t help the fact that her fingertips are abnormally pointy for an “amphibian”. She laughs it off and agrees that, yeah, it’s a bit weird.

At times she'll let her Astryian heritage shine through by getting into people’s personal space, kissing hands out of respect or touching faces to be friendly. However, this is almost always misunderstood, even to the point of getting her hands (or face) slapped away. At first, she was confused by this until Eve understood that that’s just how things were on earth. She now tries to keep her distance, but it leaks through around close friends.


Astryian Species information


The age range for a child is 3 to 20 years, for teenagers, it's around 21 to 30 years, and an adult 31 years and up. Astryians on a whole age very slowly once they hit adulthood. The average Astryian's life expectancy is roughly about 180 Astryian years, but can easily exceed 200 with good health.

There are three sub-species of Astryian life:

  • Marine
    • Average adult weight is 140 lb
    • Generally lives in the seas of Astryia
    • They can surface for air, but only for a few hours before needing to at least submerge themselves fully in water
    • Requires a sufficient amount of water going through their gills to stay healthy and alive
    • They are the only subspecies to have two pairs of gills, one on the ribcage and one on their neck
    • Fin-like growths appear on the outside of their forearms, forelegs, and on the gills of their ribcage, which can vary in length
    • They eat the most meat out of any of the sub-species, having evolved on a diet made up of mainly fish and seaweed
    • They give birth to a frog-like egg of one child that require an incubation chamber to be properly warmed for growth
  • Land
  • Arial