


2 years, 4 months ago


Name: Violacious J. Sabrewing

Nickname: Vi, Violet, Jay

Race: Forest elf

Age: 32

Height: 5'5"

Gender: F

Sexual orientation: Homosexual

Class: Rogue

Roguish Archetype: Soulknife

Alignment: Neutral

Languages: Common, Plantspeak, Thieves' Cant

Key traits: Permanent resting bitch face. Rat lover.

Story: After a mysterious deadly outbreak in the forest, war broke out between factions that didn't exist before then. Vio is exiled by her people to not return until she's found a cure. It's a tall order, and now Vio is racing to find a cure before it gets them as well.


Name: Violacious J. Sabrewing

Nickname: Violet, Jay

Race: Glasya Tiefling

Age: 32

Height: 5'5"

Gender: F

Sexual orientation: Homosexual

Class: Rogue

Roguish Archetype: Soulknife

Alignment: Neutral

Languages: Common, Infernal, Thieves' Cant

Key traits: Permanent resting bitch face. Rat lover.

Story: The demon possessing her blade is named Glasya-Labolas and Violet was like "Never gonna remember that. You're Venomshank now." In order to have a more powerful blade, she made a pact with the demon, giving it one of her eyes in exchange, which is now a part of the blade.