


2 years, 3 months ago


Cha Cha Cha




Early 20s
7’05” (208 cm)
Nonbinary Trans Femme (She/They)
Homoromantic Asexual
Death Pit/Antithesis
Death Pit Champion
Voice Claim:
Once a literal dumpster baby now turned Gladiator Champion, Boxxy is a horrific mix of a violent murderer and a rave girl. If you need someone to go partying with, or someone who knows how to bludgeon a dude with a toothbrush, they're your guy!
- Me lmfao

69558636_ZkJrfpaczdbhBqX.pngBoxxy is...well, Boxxy is just kind of There. She doesn't really have a reason to be doing the stuff she does, and they're not really on some journey to kill or dismantle anything in particular. She's just vibing! They're a party bitch that lives for fun and to have a good time. If you come across them, you're most likely not going to have any trouble. Truly, they just wanna clown around. Of course, her idea of fun does include senseless violence and murder, but hey, she's a Nevadean. Not like she's got much else to do other than listening to music, dancing over corpses, bludgeoning grunts to death, and so on.


Boxxy is one cheery mother fucker! They're always living life to the fullest and doesn't let anything get them down! Unless getting them down means working them up into a violent fit of rage, in which case, they're cool with that too! It just means she's even nastier with executing grunts.

There isn't that much to say really, what you see is what you get. Sure, they're susceptible to negative emotions, but they're just naturally very empty headed, so strife doesn't affect them all that often.

Powers and Abilities

Boxxy's a zed, and as you can imagine, she's pretty much invulnerable to a lot of shit! It's hard to keep a fucker down when she can just reattach her limbs and keep moving even without a head! Aside from the invulnerability though, their viciousness when it comes to ripping and tearing away is a nasty thing to behold. Both factors are probably why they're beloved amongst fans of Death Pit!

Additionally, somehow, she managed to pick up some sort of ability to resize things if she pleases? All she really uses this for is to make carrying around her stop light more convenient. They should really try to consider all the kinds of things they can do with an ability like that, but again, they're a little "head empty", to put it nicely.



Oh you thought it'd be that easy? She barely even remembers what life was like for her before she became a zed herself! As far as they know, they've always been the monster that they are!

Dad AU


Ok, well, there's still not much to say, as she still doesn't really remember all that much. All she knows is that she's been a zed since she was a toddler, and that's exactly why the notorious Tricky the Clown decided to keep her when he just happened upon her one day. While he treated them very well and very kindly, they probably wouldn't have made it out well if not for the fact that Jebediah Christoff had been by their side to take up the mantle of their second parent.

The rest? Pretty hazy. Somehow something went pretty alright while they grew up and now they're here. They recently got a mom, so that's pretty cool! And apparently said mom has another daughter? Who happens to be Hank J. Wimbleton's kid too? Does that make them rivals? Oh well, whatever, she's got bigger fish to fry. Like keeping their spot as Number One Death Pit Champion!

Weapons Used

  • Stop Light: Kills: 134


  • Their K:D Ratio in the pit is so incredible that Boxxy's basically the Queen of The Arena!
  • The mouth gauges were done by themself!
  • You can smell this gross fuck from a mile away.
  • She’s actually pretty good about controlling her appetite. Not because she thinks eating flesh is morally wrong or anything, she just likes challenging herself.