Your mom



2 years, 3 months ago


man from space that retired his job because he said so.

He was part of a big central postal station and would receive, store and sort shipments based on their labels and stuff, the usual mail work but in space and bigger containers yeah
Carrier ships would dock there daily to deliver and receive shipments for other stations.

Yeah one of the ships was contaminated lmao and they got infiltrated by beasts, usual space stuff happens.
He was done with all the space bullshittery and just decided to quit aka hijack one of the ships that were out of controll anyway because the crew died and just flew off lmao.

oh yeah, being a floating station is annoying anyways, since you are constantly at risk of pirates and other infiltrations and the defense not always 100% holds up.
that explains his scars. Monster kinda ripped his arm so he threw it away as bait, because no one else could give him a hand.

ah yeah he probably lead multiple people to die because he was self focused and flew off alone instead of sheltering more people on the ship lmao haha well that happens

mh yeah, chibis because i have no energy to draw the man
he is older than my artstyle suggests

he like burgor