


2 years, 3 months ago




"Quote here..."
SpeciesCentral Asian Shepherd 
Age38 (Semi Immortal) 
Orientation Unknown
Residence None
Status Alive
Design Notes
  • His ears are cropped and his tail is docked
  • His muzzle is large and square shaped
  • His coat is brindle - he is only slightly fluffy on his cheeks, back of neck, thighs and tail
  • He has yellow eyes, at the top of his iris they go orange
  • Accessories are all optional however they are preferred
  • He has a silver and bronze set of accessories, however he mostly uses the silver ones.


His personality traits are - Loyal, Confident, Creative, Intelligent, Brave, Fierce, Romantic, Emotionally Strong 

He looks more intimidating than he actually is, unless you threaten someone important to him. After the war his main focus is finding a group or partner he can live with for the rest of his life. Although he doesn't say it he is very family oriented and that stems from his human past since his family used to all be very close. 

  • When he was a human he was a very skilled crafts man and specialised in working with metal to create armour
  • The armour he wears was originally made for his dog to help to protect him in the war 
  • He ends up having a romantic interest in Antonella the more he gets to know her
Brief Shapeshifting 
He can transform back into his human form for very brief periods of time at will, however, it is not a permeant feature.

Semi Immortal

His curse makes him semi immortal, he can be killed but he ages very slowly, sticking to be around 38.


He is very strong and is good in fights if he gets into any

Donahue was from a human noble family in the Mountain Kingdom. His family were very skilled craftsmen who provided armour and tools for all the people who lived in the kingdom. They worked closely with the royal family and gave them all of their armour and weapons which they forged out of the ore which was mined from the mountains. Donahue was taught his family's craft skill from a very young age, and soon specialised in armour. His preferred metal to work with was silver and steel. One of his most prized pieces of work was a few pieces of armour which he crafted from silver for his beloved dog. 

However when the war was upon the kingdoms he was enlisted to fight alongside his dog. He and his companion both wore armour he had made himself. Out on the battle field he fought bravely until a Darkfang murdered his beloved dog and cursed him. His curse transformed him into a dog, the same breed which his companion was. Scared Donahue takes what armour he can from his companion and runs and hides. His curse also makes him semi immortal. Donahue never gets over the murder of his companion, it haunts him for a very long time.

Until the war has ended he spends most of his time in hiding only to emerge to find food which was scarce. When he is able to emerge without being in danger of attack he decides to try and find some others to befriend, he hopes he's not the only one in his situation. He finds a few other canines but never approaches them as he fears they are like the creatures which killed his dog. Eventually he comes across Countess Antonella and despite her initial hostility towards him he joins her and the two become close after a while.
