Lost's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

CoralClown Global Rules


There is no cooldown when buying the adopt, you can buy it and then sell it again for all I care. 

You have permission to sell it for a higher price then bought, get that bag. 💰 selling a freebie I gave you without extra art isn't a blacklist, but I will probably think twice the next time I see u ask for one

You may redesign characters, in any way at all, cuz it's urs. 

jus credit me if you repost any sort of art of mine of said adopt anywhere but that's like common sense lmao 

DO NOT DELETE THEIR CHARACTER PROFILE PLEAAAASE It causes a lot of unnecessary confusion, if someone not on toyhou.se bought it still, please do not. If you're deleting them because you no longer want them just . Sell them, send them back, shove them in a shelter, do whatever 

^ you can have them on auth only, and I wont ask to be authed since I know it can be personal for some people, all I ask is to be notified beforehand!! Just a simple comment on my profile or something can do because when I see a design disappear from my designs tab with 0 context I usually assume it's been deleted