b8's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use


[!!]ZOOPHILES, PEOPLE WHO SUPPORT BEASTIALITY, AND MAPS ARE NOT ALLOWED TO OWN MY SHIT[!!], if ive found that a zoophile/map has something ive made then i will get people to mass report it and get the character taken down.

  • update of 08.12.22 : from now on, the only people who can own anything created by me MUST HAVE A TOYHOUSE. and all creations by me must REMAIN ON TOYHOUSE, and not be privated or deleted under any circumstances
  • update of 03.12.22 : my blacklist and tos
  • update of 12.05.21 : PLEASE put the reason of transfer when giving ownership of a character to someone else. im so tired of people selling designs that were traded and have no extra value :/ or blatantly ignoring cooldowns and the fact that an oc was gifted and still decide to trade/sell
  • character cool-down of 28 days/4 weeks. do not retrade, regift, or resell until this time period is over. 
  • do not sell for more than what you put into it. art you draw or gift art does not add onto the value. only art youve bought will add to value. (you got the character in a trade ? dont sell them, only trade them. bought $15 worth of art for the character ? youre able to sell for $15 or trade and nothing more)
  • if you where traded the character, then you can only trade it away or gift it. you can not resell a traded character.
  • if you bought the character, then you can either sell, gift, or trade it off.
  • gifted designs can not be sold or traded. only regifted. 
  • if the character is stolen from you after it had been sold, traded, or gifted to you from me, then please let me know so i can help you.
  • limit character transactions to those with toyhouse profiles so worth can be tracked via the ownership log.
  • always put the reason of transfer when selling, trading, or gifting a character.