Life Under the Mountain



2 years, 4 months ago



[name unspecified] havent come up with one yet lol

A behemoth from ancient eras, her existence has been recorded many times over.
Stories written of a haven; the Garden of Eden, a moving castle, walking earth, El Dorado; her presence is felt throughout history and beyond. It's thought that she was born when broad-leafed plants first came into being, and simply did not stop growing.

Her pace is incredibly slow and surprisingly gentle, as if she does not let her weight fall upon each step, but eases into it. Her wandering takes her to every continent, crossing oceans unerringly around their highest point.
Composite studies taken from her body indicates that while she appears to be made of silicate glass, it is in fact a very durable organic compound. The filigree is pure gold, but nobody has been able to damage or extract samples, and its flexibility on her limbs remains something of a curiosity.

The greenhouse is something of a marvel: entirely self-contained. The plants contained within grow wildly, sustained beyond their usual limitations by her body's own energy. Due to her hibernation ability, there are plants (and occasionally animals) here that are otherwise long since extinct. To each side of the massive glass front windows, there is a chamber that spirals up from one side to the other of the floor above. A keyhole doorway, large enough to fit a vehicle through, is the access at the base of her neck, although accessing it is extremely difficult.

She sustains herself not through food, but through the massive water currents that run throughout her body, like subterranean rivers might flow through a mountain. These currents move through channels throughout the soil, eventually winding their way up to her head to cascade down the entire greenhouse in her neck in a magnificent waterfall, where it collects in her chest to cycle around again. The motion of her body perpetuates this, likened to a giant artificial heart.

The most curious phenomenon is her hibernation. Eventually during her wanderings, she will find somewhere to settle. She loafs, but cannot tuck her head away; during this stage, all water will cut off its flow within her body, draining back to settle in her chest; or otherwise flowing back out of her paws into the land around her (civilisations know to expect floods if she does this near them. It's theorized that the fabled Atlantis was either wiped out by this flood, or else she was mistaken as a fantastic city as she traveled underwater). Once the water channels are entirely still and empty, the keyhole on her neck will close, and the entire inside of her body will temporally lock down into a stasis. Life processes are entirely paused during this time - when she wakes, any living creatures or people that were trapped inside when she went to sleep will not be aware that any time passed.

She sleeps often for over half a century; sometimes several centuries.

As she slumbers, the growth on her body is accelerated rapidly, growing all the plants out in a long train, covering all the elaborate decorations on her body, and concealing her form eventually beneath a buildup of plant matter and soil. During this time, excited discoveries about 'lost civilisations in the jungle' have been made repeatedly, such as the city of gold.

Once she wakes again, she stands, plants her paws deep to access the upwelling of underground water currents to replenish her own, and begins her walk once more.