
2 years, 4 months ago


Kraid is one of a kind. With his delicate features and slender build, he was often mistaken for a woman. But what set him apart was the fact that he had three eyes and green skin. While he hasn’t told of why he has green skin to anyone aside his closest friend Ridley, he seems to benefit from this with his surprising power which makes no sense for such a thin guy like him. Despite his thin frame, Kraid was surprisingly strong and could take down opponents much larger than himself with ease. He preferred to lull his opponents into a false sense of security with his feminine looks, and then strike when they least expected it.

He, like Ridley later studied martial arts and has become really good at it. He had a natural talent for fighting and was able to use his unusual powers to his advantage in the ring. His signature move is a strong kick followed with a series of precise strikes to a pressure point on the foe's neck.