Davehn (?)



2 years, 3 months ago


Name:  Davehn (?)

Sigils:  Dako | Yin

Main Colours:  Black/Grey/Red

Hair Colour:  Black

Eye Colour:  #f8f5ac

Personality:  He’s basically a greaser, so he’s outwardly cocky, arrogant, and blatant. He’s more than ok with being rude and brash with people, but inside he’s a hopeless romantic and a big brother type.(not disagreeable, just kind of a punk) He tends to be more overprotective of the younger kids he interacts with. Dav prefers to use his fists to his stones, and gets in trouble for it quite a bit.

Age:  18/19?

Gender/Pronouns:  Cis Man | He/Him

Brief Information:  Raised by his older sister until she figured he was old enough to take care of himself(when he was like. 13 maybe?). Her absence has proven disastrous as he trusts no authority, hates militaries for taking her away, and has a need to prove himself.

Important Details:  A necklace he wears from his older sister. She joined a military program(maybe in ogama-gor??) and he hasn’t heard from her since.


i need to get around to doing a turn around for him, but hes very much in progress like my other digata characters