la pecking order (beta)



2 years, 4 months ago


quote here
17295175?1660113166[2] BETA 
female || chicken || adult

The alpha chicken. Even if there was an actual rooster in the flock, Beta still manage to get herself the title. Most people see Beta as an aggresive hen, definitely not the chicken you want to mess with. Some even think she would attack anything on it’s path. One time she actually attack a boy, pecked the heck out of him pretty bad [well to be fair, we did give him a warning to not mess with beta]. The boy never recovered from that moment, and he never dared to take a step at Sunny Day Farms ever again.
While it is certainly true that Beta can be a bit pecky [and even scary], Beta pretty much do those for defense reasons. You see, Beta cares about the flock a ton. She’s also overprotective with the flock, would do everything to gurantee every  chicken’s safety. She’s very well-respected in the flock because of that. She’s brave, but aslo very strong. One time, she even fought an hawk! She will fight anything she thinks is a threat to the flock with no hesitation.
Overall Beta isn’t some chicken that maliciously waiting for the perfect time to pull out your eyeballs. Yes she’s rather wary of strangers, but as long as you keep your distance, don’t mess with any chicken and you’re good really. Also don’t touch her. Unless she’s shown signs that she’s really, really chill with you, don’t touch.
- [on our works! we’ll eventually get something maybe]

beta || female || chicken

The alpha chicken. It was told that hens only get to be the alpha in the pecking order when rooster aren’t around. BUT HEY THOSE RULES DON’T HAVE TO APPLY HERE CAUSE THIS IS FICTIONALKJAKA

Most people see Beta as an aggresive hen, definitely not the chicken you want to mess with. Some even think she would attack anything on it’s path. One time she actually attack a boy, pecked the heck out of him pretty bad [well to be fair, we did give him a warning to not mess with beta]. The boy never recovered from that moment, and he never dared to take a step at Sunny Day Farms ever again.

While it is certainly true that Beta can be a bit pecky [and even scary], Beta pretty much do those for defense reasons. You see, Beta cares about the flock a ton. She’s also overprotective with the flock, would do everything to gurantee every  chicken’s safety. She’s very well-respected in the flock because of that. She’s brave, but aslo very strong. One time, she even fought an hawk! She will fight anything she thinks is a threat to the flock with no hesitation.

Overall Beta isn’t some chicken that maliciously waiting for the perfect time to pull out your eyeballs. Yes she’s rather wary of strangers, but as long as you keep your distance, don’t mess with any chicken and you’re good really. Also don’t touch her. Unless she’s shown signs that she’s really, really chill with you, don’t touch.