


2 years, 4 months ago


Name: Alcyone [pronounced Al-Cone]

Nickname/s: Alc

Pronouns: He/Him

Physical Appearance: Body appears to be mid to late twenties, but actual age is unknown. Physical form remains the same over years (immortality) and can heal any wound over time. Body scales, beak, and claws made entirely of ice, rest of body is covered in a thick layer of feathers that are tightly packed much like a penguin. Leathery wings can collapse into back and form a tattoo marking when not being used; this happens instantly if wanted. Physically very muscular, but it is hard to tell beneath the feathers. 

Age: unknown 

Height: 6’9”

Weight: 420lbs (with wings) / 300 (without wings) 

Physical Sex: Male

Gender Presentation: Male

Birthdate: xx/xx/xxxx

Sexual Preference: Homosexual / Homoromantic 

Backstory: Created during tests to see the limits of how cold an egg could be to hatch, Alcyone was birthed by human scientists in another world. He grew to despise his captors due to their cruelty to himself and other subjects around him. With the help of others, the experiments devised an escape plan and left the realm of the humans, taking their technology and research with them to avoid future experiments.
Once they reached Mirith, the planet they now reside on, they realized that humans weren’t the only ones who were cruel. On this planet of creatures and monsters, everyone is on their own unless they are part of one of the 5 major families. Maxamillion, the son of the most notorious family, took Alcyone in along with Julius. While unrelated, Alcyone had come to know Julius through his days on the streets and was taken in by him. Since then, he has been loyal to only him. He distrusts Maxamillion, but allows his pursuits only because Julius reciprocates his feelings. Much like Crawly, Alcyone is free to do mostly whatever he wants as long as it does not disturb the flow of the family or involve other families. He currently lives in a house on the same property as Maxamillion, keeping a close watch on Julius as a sort of guard, though if you asked anyone, he is terrible at his protection job.

Personality: Very outgoing and sarcastic. Always wants to have a good time. Flirtatious to all he is familiar with, though not opposed to one-night-stands. It takes a while to reach a comfort level where you could be considered a friend. 

Social Behavior: Parties a lot with strangers, but always has his friend’s backs. Tends to go with Julius whenever he leaves the safety of Maxamillion’s house. Many are intimidated by his size and will often leave Julius alone if he’s around. His immortality has also become known and he uses this to his advantage, not really caring too much about dangers he puts himself in and often needing to become a shield for Julius when bullets go flying. 

Mannerisms and Habits: Alcyone tends to follow Julius around like a lost puppy, obeying his commands without hesitation. Behind closed doors, the two have a relatively lax relationship, but in public, it is boss and subordinate. His bored expression that is often seen comes off as intimidating, with half lidded eyes and a sharp beak, many find it hard to make direct eye contact. When he finds the rare person to flirt with, though, Alcyone is prone to sleeping with them on the first date, which is typically the only one. Alcyone is a switch in bed, but has a pretty masochistic tendency which often scares many of his partners off.
When in the comfort of his own home, Alcyone tends to just laze about and play video games. Occasionally he’ll find himself in an underground fight ring, but he prefers to be left alone to relax and spend time with his close friends. 

Physical or Psychological Disabilities: Prone to overheating. He’s had a few heat strokes which have left him relatively useless for days. Has to stay extra hydrated because of his low body temperature.

Hobbies and Interests: Alcyone loves to play racing games whether it be Mario Kart to underground racing simulators. He is unable to fit comfortably in a vehicle, so has never actually been able to drive one, though he can lift them quite easily. 

Likes: Cold weather, especially snow days. Having sex often, he finds it to be one of the few things he can actually enjoy. Forests, coastlines, and other various places in nature away from society where he can be alone, or with friends, in peace. He really loves playing video games and is slowly branching out into the new games offered on this planet (he brought some with him from earth along with systems to play them on lol). Also loves going out to parties and dancing because those around him are too drunk to fear him completely and he’s able to enjoy company that way. 

Dislikes: Summers, heat, anything warm really. He is incredibly susceptible to heat illness and therefore tends to keep his distance from things that could cause him to have a heat stroke. Maxamillion, at first; Max is slowly growing on him, but he is still very distrustful of Max’s family’s intentions with Julius and will kill Maxamillion if he has to to keep Julius safe, though he has not spoken this out loud. 

Kinks: Has a praise and punishment kink. Really  into bondage whether it be himself or his partner. Into BDSM, loves to be rough with his partner’s, either as a dom or a sub. 

Virtues, Vices, and Values: Loyalty to Julius is his main focus in life at the moment. 

Goals and Aspirations: None at the moment, just existing. 

Secrets: [REDACTED]

Fears and Phobias: [REDACTED]


Romantic: N/A


> Julius: Boss. The one who took Alcyone in and kept him going by giving him a purpose. Will stop at nothing to protect him while he is alive. 


> Maxamillion: While wary at first, Alcyone has slowly become more comfortable with Julius’s new protector and lover. Hopefully this doesn’t cause issues within the families. 


> Crawly: Maxamillion’s main muscle and driver. Alcyone has considered sleeping with him, but is wary due to his proximity to Maxamillion and his family. 

Adversarial: N/A