Basic Info


Thea Aetos








Cis woman [she/her]




Sphinx Tiefling/Hades Demigod


Rogue - Phantom - Level: 4




Reading, Gossip, Eaves-dropping, Sweets, Feeling needed.


Authority, Feeling inferior/dumb, Apathy, Thunder, Small spaces, Her dad: Hades.

Personality Traits

Loyal. Determined. Caring. Impulsive. Blasphemous. Thievish. Blunt. Defensive.



  • HP: 66
  • AC: 16
  • PP: 17
  • Speed: 30ft. walking/flying
  • Strength: 11 (0)
  • Dexterity: 18 (+4)
  • Constitution: 16 (+3)
  • Intelligence: 17 (+3)
  • Wisdom: 12 (+1)
  • Charisma: 14 (+2)

Proficiencies (+3)

  • Acrobatics +7
  •   Arcana +9
  •   History +9
  •   Stealth +10
  •   Sleight of Hand +10
  •   Perception +7
  • Intimidation +5
  • Dexterity Saving Throws +7
  • Intelligence Saving Throws +6
  • Thieves’ tools
  • Water vehicles 
  • Light armor
  • Simple weapons
  • Rapiers
  • Hand crossbows
  • Short swords
  • Long swords
  • Dice
  •   Deception +4 

Godly Abilities

  • Chthonic Resistance
    You have resistance to necrotic damage.
  • Blood of the Underworld
    Starting at 1st level, you learn the Spare the Dying cantrip. You also have advantage on saving throws against any disease.  
    When you are reduced to 0 HP but not killed outright, you can drop to 1 HP instead. You can’t use this feature if you are reduced to 0 HP by radiant damage or a critical hit.
    You can’t use this feature again until you finish a long rest.
  • Eyes of the Underworld
    At 3rd level your Chthonic connection deepens. You gain the ability to sense humanoid remains within 20 feet of you. As soon as a piece of a dead body enters this radius, you become aware of it and its location. This ability does not distinguish between dead and undead.
  • Dark Inquiry
    Once per day, as an Action, you may grant the semblance of life and intelligence to a corpse of your choice within range for 10 minutes, allowing it to answer a question you pose. The corpse must still have a mouth and can’t be undead. The ability fails if the corpse was the target of this spell within the last 10 days. Until this ability wears off, you can ask the corpse two questions. The corpse only knows what it knew in life, including languages it knew. Answers are usually brief, cryptic, or repetitive, and the corpse is under no compulsion to offer a truthful answer if you are hostile to it or it recognizes you as an enemy. This spell doesn’t return the creature’s soul to its body, only its animating spirit. Thus, the soul doesn’t comprehend anything that has happened since it died, and can’t speculate about future events.
  • You Go To Hell No Matter What
    When you strike an enemy, you terrorize it with visions of Asphodel. Whenever you hit a creature with a Weapon attack, you deal an extra 1d4 psychic damage.


  • Thea was abandoned in the home of a young couple (Eudoxia & Alkaios Aetos) as a newborn, never knowing who either of her biological parents are, not sure what kind of monster she's descended from, and unaware that she was a demigod.
  • She was raised by them in the large port city of Limani.
  • 6 years later, Eudoxia and Alkaios have a child of their own: a son named Cleon.
  • Thea was a bit of a delinquent growing up, often stealing offerings from the local temple of Poseidon, or stealing scrolls to read from the large private library located in Limani.
  • Her adoptive parents are fishermen and would often be gone for several weeks at a time, usually leaving Thea to look after Cleon. Meaning Cleon would get to tag along on whatever schemes Thea was getting into.
  • Her rebellious tendencies strained her relationship with her parents, and did nothing to help the community's opinions on her, with many people already being wary of her due to her being one of the few tieflings in the city.
  • Due to this, she didn't really have any friends growing up, spending most of her time either on her own or hanging out with Cleon.
  • When she turned 18, the warding charm that she unknowingly had placed on her at birth, wore off. Making it so monsters could now sense that she's a demigod. Due to how well-fortified the city was again monster attacks, this was not immediately apparent to her, but attacks on the city increased almost immediately.
  • When Thea was 20 while their parents were away, she took Cleon with her to trespass and hang out on the roof of the temple. While mid-flight, they were attacked by a group of Stymphalian Hawks. They were able to escape, but Cleon was mortally wounded. Thea was able to save his life, instinctively using Spare the Dying, but he was injured badly enough that he permanently lost use of his left arm.
  • Thea blamed herself for Cleon getting hurt, and her parents seemingly blamed her as well, not allowing her to spend time with him anymore.
  • the monster attacks on the city also kept becoming more frequent, over the following month it became clear the monsters are almost always heading toward Thea's family's home.
  • Noticing this, one of Theas neighbors went to her and told her that something was clearly wrong and advised that she seek out the advise of the Protopriest at the temple of Zeus in Theotita, telling her to leave soon so that she wouldn't put the city in any more danger.
  • Thea immediately packed her bag and set off to find a way to Theotita.

Campaign So Far 

  • Session 0
    • Thea joins a caravan that's headed east, toward the border. Here she meets the rest of the party, who have all agreed to act as guards for the 14 civilian NPCs that make up the rest of the caravan.
    • The Party:
      Anastasia: 19 y/o human warlock, demigod of Nemesis, in a contract with the fates, making sure their prophecies come to pass as the should, in exchange they allow her to keep in contact with her dead girlfriend, Desma.
      Amanita: 23 y/o human circle of spores druid, demigod of Dionysius, very closed off, mostly keeps to himself. enjoys psychoactive mushrooms.
      Dione: 22 y/o dracaena tiefling rogue, demigod of Artemis, skilled archer, very reserved.
      Seth: 21 y/o human cleric of Poseidon, demigod of Zeus, very dedicated to the gods, Lawful do-gooder, Thea finds him bossy and annoying and they argue often.
      Walker: 25 y/o minotaur tiefling barbarian, demigod of ???, farm boy, seemingly born yesterday, despite knowing next to nothing he often orders the rest of the party around (especially the women 🤔)
[Session notes were getting too long so I've moved them over to a google doc]: