
2 years, 3 months ago



Basic Info

  • NAME: Doll Moondive
  • AGE: Adult
  • PRONOUNS: They/It
  • Species: Dreameater
  • Location: The Deep Sea


Doll is a 4'00" dreameater from the deep composed of porcelain, chitin, salt water, styrofoam and diamonds. It's skin twinkles and glitters in the moonlight. They are only ever seen at night. It has four stretchy tentacles coming out of the bottom half of it's back that it uses to get around more than it's legs. It's swirly eyes are hypnotic and can lull anyone into a deep slumber... that is when it feasts on the dreams and nightmares of others.

It doesn't hurt, getting your dreams eaten, but when you wake up you'll still feel awfully tired and groggy, and unable to remember whatever you were dreaming. Doll does this more often than it actually needs to, finding the most heinous and traumatic of nightmares to be delectable. They're kind of a glutton.

Personality-wise they're pretty chill. They're not malicious, but they can be mean. Doll likes to make a joke out of everything, even things that are considerably serious. It has a hard time taking things seriously though, as they are immortal and has lived for a very, very long time...



wouldnt you like to know



Fun Facts


  • They're not the only dreameater. They are a specifically deep sea-based one.
  • The collar they wear 'contains' their power and makes them placid... Like, it keeps them from going overboard and into eldritch beast territory. Most dreameaters have one.
  • Their nose is moon-shaped.
  • The song on their profile is 'party at club bug!' by spellcasting.



Character Name


Aliquam id ante dolor. Morbi vel sem gravida, mattis dolor vel, dignissim purus. Maecenas malesuada rhoncus sagittis. Nunc viverra rhoncus magna vel vulputate. Praesent porta felis cursus faucibus auctor. Duis sed vehicula sapien. Ut hendrerit tincidunt lacus eget volutpat. Etiam et ipsum vitae purus aliquet luctus nec id lectus.

Character Name


Aliquam id ante dolor. Morbi vel sem gravida, mattis dolor vel, dignissim purus. Maecenas malesuada rhoncus sagittis. Nunc viverra rhoncus magna vel vulputate. Praesent porta felis cursus faucibus auctor. Duis sed vehicula sapien. Ut hendrerit tincidunt lacus eget volutpat. Etiam et ipsum vitae purus aliquet luctus nec id lectus.

Character Name


Aliquam id ante dolor. Morbi vel sem gravida, mattis dolor vel, dignissim purus. Maecenas malesuada rhoncus sagittis. Nunc viverra rhoncus magna vel vulputate. Praesent porta felis cursus faucibus auctor. Duis sed vehicula sapien. Ut hendrerit tincidunt lacus eget volutpat. Etiam et ipsum vitae purus aliquet luctus nec id lectus.