Pilirani IV Thea



2 years, 2 months ago


" I did what I had to do back then to survive, I'm doing what I'm doing now for revenge,  and I'll do what I'll do tomorrow for pleasure."

" Don't attempt to guilt-trip me. We're all pursuing the same goal – pleasure. If being generous and kind brings you satisfaction, then embrace it. There's no need to fault me for seeking the same fulfillment, even if it's the opposite that brings me joy."


Thea possesses an indomitable will, unyielding and resolute. Her strength isn't just physical but a manifestation of an unwavering determination that borders on ruthlessness. Blunt to the point of rudeness, she seldom minces words, expressing herself with a cutting honesty that can leave others unsettled.

Her cruelty is a shield, a way to keep others at a distance, masking the vulnerabilities beneath. The only fear that grips her is the haunting memory of the river, an irrational dread that lingers, making her uneasy around storms—harbingers of memories she'd rather forget.

Thea's dark nature stems from a turbulent past, where betrayal and loss shaped her into a force to be reckoned with. Beneath her hardened exterior lies a soul scarred by the river's currents, and storms that echo the storms within.


Thea, the rightful heir to the throne of Piliranious, once enjoyed carefree days with her brother Seke and the various friends in their fathers vast pride. On one fateful day, Thea, Seke, and a close friend of theirs were playing by the great river close to their home. At first everything was peaceful, the three gallavanted and played without care in the world. However, this meant none of them had bothered to notice storm clouds quickly rolling in on the lot of them.

Caught in the unexpected downpour, their playful outing took a perilous turn when the river swelled, forcing them to seek higher ground in a particularly dangerous area beside the river. It didn't take long before tragedy struck as their friend slipped on a precarious log, teetering down with it into the river. They had managed to hang onto the log, and were also fortunate enough that the log got caught on a rock, keeping them from being swept further down stream. However this log wouldn't hold forever, and they were running short on time.

Panicked, Thea implored her brother for help but he just stood there, staring, frozen in fear. In frustration, Thea resorted to hurling hurtful words at her brother, branding him a coward. The echo of demeaning words filled the air, adding tension to the storm and to each other, but she had no time to spare. Summoning her courage, Thea plunged into the tumultuous waters herself, her heart pounding with determination and a might she had never felt before as navigated the waters. It took all of her strength but she managed to get to the log, drag herself and her friend up amd out of the water, then help her towards safety.

 She rescued her friend just in time and secured a foothold back onto the closest rock she could find. The weight of exhaustion settled as Thea collapsed beside her friend, looking her over and smiling to herself. They were safe.

At least, that was she had thought. She looked up, only to be met with Seke's piercing gaze. A mixture of rage and resentment were all to easy to see in his eyes. Anger fueled his actions, and in a moment of heated emotion, he lashed out, sending Thea tumbling back into the unforgiving currents, and this time she wouldn't be so lucky. There was no log to catch her, no rock to cling to, and she was  swept away, never to be seen again.

As darkness enveloped her, Thea's consciousness slipped away. Hours later, she awoke on a desolate beach, the world a blur through swollen eyes. Gasping for breath and coughing up water, she felt an intense pain throughout her body. It was on this desolate shore that a stranger discovered her, and took her in as his own. The pain that resonated within her body mirrored the turmoil in her soul, setting the stage for a haunting transformation and her descent into a life of wickedness.