Gamrag (temp name)



2 years, 3 months ago


This is an unfinished character.

A chaos gremlin created from the random power of “green dog”. It’s more of a vessel of chaotic behavior rather than a person. its pronouns would be it, they, them if it cared which sometimes they do but most times they don’t. 

they mostly relate to others in a very random but always overdramatic way, deciding who you are to them from moment to moment. they culd love you like a grand mother when you first meet or be extremely suspicious of you after years of acquaintance. There is never a moment where you know where they stand. The only thing they have a consistent attitude towards is the one who created them, whom they adore, obsess over and sometimes close to worship.

they can have upp to ten arms and those arms can come out of any point in their torso or extending out extra from another joint.