


6 years, 6 months ago


frisky honest independant

name Kitten
pronouns she/her
species serval
age 29 years
sexuality demisexual
creation date 11/25/2017
partners Wolf and Crash
ref sheets SFW | NSFW
| Personality

Kitten is very flirty towards others, especially her partners. She likes to flaunt her features and use them to achieve things that she wants. Although she can be charming and independent, she enjoys the company of her partners and has a very close bond with them. Very materialistic, she enjoys spending money and buying elegant clothes, jewelry, and other shiny objects. Although she is flirty in nature, she is also compassionate and caring towards her loved ones. She can be very direct and honest with her words, often choosing to give others the truth, even if it may hurt their feelings. Though she cares for those close to her, she feels that being honest leads to the best results and forms stronger bonds. She is also very independent and enjoys spending time alone, usually when she is shopping or walking.

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| Likes
  • Drinks: Pineapple juice
  • Food: Sushi
  • Spending money (ususally Crush's money)
  • Enjoys walking, shopping, and napping
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| Affinities
  • Diamond and other gems
  • Anything pink, sparkly, leather, or studded
  • Crowns and fancy jewlery
  • Sfrjk
  • Afrry
  • Ta