Xander Conlon



2 years, 7 months ago


Xander Conlon

Basic Information
16 (Hope's Peak)
August 1st, 1997
Star Sign
Super High School Level Vigilante

Comics, video games, junk food, stray animals
Crowds, alcohol, victim blaming
Personal Status
Megan Conlon (Mother, Decseased), Derek Abbas (Father, unknown)
Vigilante, student

"An’ nobody’s gonna die…I won’t let ‘em hurt anyone….”
― Source

Raised on the streets of Brooklyn New York Alexander Conlon's turbulent childhood turned him to a life of vigilante crime fighting. Through his self sacrificing and obsessive nature Xander took it upon himself to try and protect people in a world where he saw very little real justice. After an elaborate police cover up landed him in the elite Hope's Peak Academy he's been trying to leave that all behind him.


A teenage boy of average height. He has a deceptively slight and unassuming frame though he is quite toned and physically strong. He has shaggy black hair that often hangs in his face and olive green eyes rimmed with dark circles. His naturally tanned complexion is ashy from lack of exposure to sunlight though he still has a light dusting of freckles across his cheeks.

Xander's features could be described as quite youthful and boyish, having a round face and wide eyes. 

Xander prefers to dress in baggy clothing and several layers. He has a love of leather jackets and nice shoes.

In adulthood he stands at around 6' and has developed a considerably broader figure.


Anxious, self conscious, impulsive, caring

Xander has always been a person who is all too concerned with what others think of him. He has always craved acceptance and a sense of belonging, while constantly fearing being judged or rejected. As a child Xander was quite sociable and well liked, able to integrate himself easily into different social groups and interact with his peers. He is incredibly susceptible to peer pressure and will do whatever is asked of him unquestioningly. As his social isolation and paranoia grew he still felt the need to be accepted by people, but lost all the social skills he had to accomplish that. 

Xander constantly fidgets, mumbles, and has long pauses when speaking to people as to consider what to say. Despite his anxious and awkward outward demeanor Xander is quite passionate, fun, and sweet. He enjoys getting into mischief and making people laugh.

Though he has never been academically gifted Xander has an amazing focus, developing a tunnel vision that lets him master anything he puts his mind too, at the cost of everything else falling away. He does not consider himself smart enough to judge others or decide the difference between right and wrong, only acting on wrongs he sees committed in the moment.

Xander feels things very deeply, he loves and cares for people very much, he feels deep fear and anxiety, as well as anger. Xander's greatest flaw could be his inability to control his emotions and letting them rule his actions, especially his anger. Xander despises feeling out of control, trapped, or helpless and will act out violently to try and assert some sense of control.


From the moment Alexander James Conlon was born it seemed the deck was stacked against him. Born into an extremely impoverished household to a mentally frail mother and an abusive alcoholic father Xander never found much comfort or belonging in his own home. There was constant domestic disputes and whenever Xander tried to get in the middle of it he paid the consequences. As a result Xander was desperate to be out of the house at any given opportunity, integrating himself with the group of neighborhood kids who oftentimes were in situations nigh indistinguishable from him own. Xander was desperate for a sense of acceptance and belonging, he would do anything that was asked of him, and was loyal to a fault. This often landed him in trouble but he couldn't care less as long as this gave him a reputation of being likeable. 

When Xander was ten his father went missing, and hoping that he would not come back he dissuaded his mother from calling the police or searching for him, saying getting the cops involved would only make his father angry. While Xander saw this as a blessing his mother was distraught, despite the abuse she was completely dependent on Xander's father and was lost without him. It became apparent very quickly that maybe they had needed his father after all, because his mother was not mentally stable enough to care for the both of them. 

Xander hated to think his mother needed his father, and was determined to care for them both, to show they really were better off without him. He took up working odd jobs and stealing, begging, borrowing, whatever he could do to get by. In their relationship it seemed Xander was more the parent than the child, but he never resented his mother for it. He made many excuses out of his love for her.

One day his mom didn't come home either and Xander was in a panic. He called the police immediately and was greeted by complete dismissal and indifference. He was told that his mom was probably on some kind of drug binge, she would be back eventually. It didn't matter what he told them about his mother, that she would never do that, that she would never abandon him out of nowhere, nobody believed him.

When she was finally found three months later she was dead. It had taken some time to even identify her as Xander's report had never been filed and she was not considered a missing person. Despite all this time she'd been missing she'd been killed only recently, experiencing months of extreme trauma while nobody was even looking for her. Xander had never had any love for police, he'd seen exploitation, violence, and corruption his entire life but this was entirely new level of anger and disgust he was experiencing.

Feeling helpless Xander acted out in violence, putting himself in the middle of any fight he saw happening in the street or any crime he witnessed being committed. He was pretty good at fighting people bigger than him and making quick escapes. There wasn't any real sense to it no matter how hard he tried to justify it, he was really just angry.

He did this nightly, the ritual becoming more and more elaborate and obsessive as it went on. He developed a disguise, he started devoting real time to discovering the identity of high level criminals and tracking them down rather than just beating up their lackies. Xander rarely slept and his mental health deteriorated rapidly as he became more and more isolated, dropping out of high school shortly into his second year. He lived like a ghost after that, occasionally glancing in the mirror and being surprised by the reminder that he was a real person.

The more high level and powerful targets he chased the more of a hoard he amassed, collecting more weapons, cash, and illicit materials than he could ever possibly know what to do with.

As time went on the vigilante persona took on a life of it's own, growing into an urban legend. Eye witness accounts were greatly exaggerated so his true identity was completely indiscernible. An online following arose around this legend while mainstream media refused to acknowledge these accounts as anything more than rumor.

On a night like any other Xander was following up a lead on a new gang he'd been tracking for several weeks, and his gut told him something was wrong. Xander fell into an elaborated sting operation created by the police with the intention of unmasking him and exposing him as a violent criminal, make a public example of him. Shots were fired in the ensuing encounter and Xander was struck through the shoulder by a bullet, after which he collapsed and began to sob and cry. When he was unmasked there was a moment of shocked silence and confusion...he was only a child.

After that everything was a blur for Xander, through the pain and the fear the only thought he had was that he was going to die.

He was wrong about that. The plan based around exposing him and his crimes crumbled once it became apparent that for the last two years the NYPD were being not only evaded but bested by a child. Instead entire thing turned into a cover up. Everything about him was kept off the record, he was not arrested officially, rather he was brought into hospital. Nobody spoke to him during his recovery, nobody asked him questions, or explained to him what was going to happen next. After the hospital there were psychiatrists that did indeed speak to him, but still refrained from explaining anything of consequence. Instead Xander was given heavily sedated psychiatric medication that added even more to the constant brain fog he was under. After that there were homes, all steps along the way he was heavily monitored, and he was never really aware of where he was or who was with him.

This went on for several months until one day he was handed a folder with documents. A man explained to him that there were some very influential and powerful people who had taken interest in him and they wanted him to attend a school. If he went to this school it would open up every opportunity in the world for him, and he would never have to return to a life of crime.

Xander wanted to refuse but he could read between the lines at the ultimatum he was being given. 

Go to this school or you'll spend the rest of your life as you are now.

So in the end he really had no choice but to accept.



  • He speaks with a heavy Brooklyn accent
  • Xander is mixed race, being primarily white, Native American, Mexican and Persian though he is not aware of his exact heritage
  • He has smoked on and off since he was 11
  • Xander collects vintage comics, mostly from the 80's, his favourite series being Batman and his favourite character being Jason Todd
  • Before his dad left he went by Alex
  • Xander liked to feed the stray cats and also rats that lived in the alley behind his apartment
  • After spending some time in a psychiatric hospital Xander received multiple diagnosis of Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Depression, and ADHD among other things. He was prescribed medication for these conditions but after he left the hospital he stopped taking them as he disliked the side effects.
  • He is bisexual but doesn't identify this way during high school as he is deeply in denial about it