Preston Starte (PrestIdia)



Gender Genderfluid
Orientation idia <3
Birthday 4/05
Star Sign Aries

Gender Male
Orientation Bisexual
Birthday 12/18
Star Sign Sagittarius

Height Difference
18 cm
165 cm
183 cm

Age Difference
0 yrs
18 (?)

Big spoon
Little spoon
Lends clothes
Borrows clothes
Doesn't use pet names
Uses pet names
Affection through words
Affection through actions
Confesses first
Waits for confession
Screams about the bugs
Squashes bugs with a shoe
Drives the car
Can't drive
Can't cook
Makes dinner
Dislikes PDA
Loves PDA
Has more relationship experience
Has no relationship experience

How they met

Idia had actually met Preston long before Preston even knew himself. Since Preston started off as a side project that Idia was working on, it wasnt until a few months into development when Preston became Preston. Of course it was love at first sight, Idia legitimately being the first thing Preston saw makes this a little funnier. Though Idia was quite confused when he was football tackled out of his comfy chair, getting crushed by an oddly familiar pink boy. Preston wishes their meeting was more romantic, Idia sometimes wish it never happened.

Their Relationship

Preston and Idia are NOT a normal couple. Preston come off as more of a parasite than anything. But to the outside observer, they're a very awkward but cute couple. Plenty of people think Preston's a random girl that Idia pays to pretend to be his gf, but they dont know how wrong they are. In more than one way, as Preston is not a girl, nor is he really anything. Idia never settled on a gender for Preston during his creation, so Preston just took on the traits Idia had temporarily given to him, such as his name. Anyways, Preston is almost always seen by Idia's side. If you see Preston and Idia isnt there, there's a likely chance that something malicious is brewing.

How Preston feels

Preston sees Idia as the love of his life. It’s mostly because Idia created him, but it’s partially because Preston genuinely loves Idia. They spend a lot of time playing video games together whether it be super smash bros or minecraft. Preston has never once had a problem with Idia and hopes to spend his entire life with him. He has even gone as far as to say he would kill someone for Idia.

How Idia feels

Idia was very confused when Preston gained sentience and came through his computer screen. It took a bit of time to warm up to the pink creature but he eventually really did start to care about Preston. He finds him a bit insufferable at times, but he puts up with him because he knows how fragile Preston can be. He’s a very caring boyfriend and though most of his affection is non-verbal, Preston really knows how much Idia cares about him. Though Idia does occasionally feel like he has forgotten something very important from before Preston was sentient, but he really cant put his finger on it. There’s also a side of Idia that doubts his love for Preston. He’s pretty sure he loves him, he really is, but that feeling tugging at the back of his mind makes him doubt how true his feelings really are.


  • Preston literally killed a man to be with Idia
  • Preston recently joined the board game club to keep an extra close eye on Idia :]
  • Idia's totally not a little terrified of Preston wdymmmm
  • They never officially started dating, Preston just declared it and Idia went along