Phoebe Casella



2 years, 4 months ago


Phoebe Casella

Basic Information
16 (Hope's Peak)
September 3rd, 1997
Star Sign
Super High School Level Fashion Doll Collector

Dolls, fashion, music
Mattel, uniforms, tree change dolls
Personal Status
Nicholas Casella (Father), Selene Casella (Mother), Diana Casella (Younger Sister)
Doll Customizer, student

"The world is full of many wonderful things that you’ll never see if you don’t change your narrow view..”
― Phoebe

Phoebe Maria Casella grew up in London as the eldest daughter of a prestigious political family. Expected since birth to be the perfect child to match the image of their perfect family Phoebe chafed under the control of her parents and found an outlet for her rebellion in her hobby of doll collecting. After building a significant following and online presence Phoebe was invited to attend Hope's Peak as the Super High School Level Fashion Doll Collector


Phoebe is a strikingly beautiful teenage girl, standing at 5'6 with a slender frame. She has thick, wavy, auburn hair that falls to her hips. She mostly wears tied over her shoulder. She has tan olive skin, and pale lavender colored eyes with a single beauty mark dotting the underside of her left eye. 

Phoebe enjoys mixing soft, traditional feminine aesthetics with punk and alternative styles. Her main staples are oversized sweaters, miniskirts, and thigh highs. Her favorite colors are dusty rose and lavender.


Outgoing, Independent, Critical, Assertive 

Phoebe is a girl who knows how to assert herself with great poise and confidence, and is well known for her passion and articulation when she speaks. Her personality to others can come off as cold, intense, or judgmental but that isn't the case. Phoebe is truly an open minded person who values the thoughts and feelings of others, she greatly values independence and individuality and hopes to encourage everyone to be themselves and speak their mind.

Her problem being that sometimes she is so self assured in her own worldview being correct she can come off as condescending. Because of her sheltered and controlling upbringing there are many things that Phoebe does not understand about the complexities of people and the world around her. She is deeply insecure about this and struggles to admit when she is wrong or does not understand something. Sometimes she becomes defensive and slips back into her familiar condescending persona of her childhood.


Born to parents with very public and political careers Phoebe was meant to complete the image of their perfect family. They were rich and Phoebe could have anything she wanted as long as she did not stray from their expectations. Little girls should be seen and not heard was a phrase she heard repeated often.

Phoebe's life was planned and laid out for her almost every moment of the day, from private school, to piano lessons, to social appointments with children her family deemed acceptable. Phoebe did not even notice the tight reigns her parents held her by, she'd never known anything else.

Over the years Phoebe's mother had gifted her quite the collection of dolls, they were mostly antique china, porcelain, or Barbie dolls. Blonde curled, blue eyed, pristine examples of perfection that Phoebe felt pressured to follow.

One day while out shopping with her mother Phoebe was captivated by a doll she saw as unique. It was so unlike any other doll she'd ever seen or owned, with its exaggerated proportions, heavy makeup, and street fashion. What stood out to her the most however was how the doll looked like her. Tanned skin, thick wavy hair, it even shared the same beauty mark she had on her cheek.

She asked her mother to buy the doll for her, and immediately regretted speaking up. Her mother shut her down, admonishing the doll as trashy. Never one for begging and arguing Phoebe simply bowed her head in compliance but couldn't help herself from stealing glances back at the doll.

Try as she might Phoebe was unable to get the doll out of her mind, and after two weeks of saving her allowance Phoebe went back on her own and purchased it. She absolutely adored the doll, and as soon as she got a taste she wanted more. Every doll seemed so unique and so different from anything else she'd seen before she couldn't pass up on a single one. Soon she began to amass her own secret collection. 

On top of the dolls Phoebe became obsessed with the Bratz movies, games, and cartoons. They opened up a whole new world to her young mind, introducing her to themes of self expression, individuality, friendship, and perfection in imperfection. The idea that no one person could do everything, and it was okay to rely on other people for what you lacked. 

Suddenly she began to think of things she'd never considered before. Why did she always try to be perfect? To meet every expectation? Follow every rule? She wanted to express herself as who she truly was, not based on what her parents wanted.

This eventually culminated in Phoebe confronting her parents, telling them that she was no longer going to sit down and be quiet. She would speak when she wanted to, wear what she wanted to, and was determined to be her own person rather than some empty doll. Her parents' simply rolled their eyes at this outburst, brushing it off as a rebellious phase that they were to ignore, though they did ban her from their public events.

Phoebe spent most of her time working on her collection and her impassiveness at her Barbie dolls soon turned into a stark dislike. She considered throwing the dolls away but instead discovered she could modify them. She painted new faces, gave them new hair, and sewed them new clothes. She was determined to create a great diversity of appearance and fashion. She had so much fun modifying these dolls but her Bratz dolls were too precious for her to touch, so she began collecting an even wider range of fashion dolls. She modified them to include fashions and appearances the original lines lacked.

Having their daughter rebel would have ruined their families reputation and image, so about a year after Phoebe started going through a "phase" her parents had a second child, Diana to both distract the public from their oldest daughter, and to complete their family image once again. Though she tries not to Phoebe resents her younger sister. Her existence makes her feel replaceable when all she truly strives for is to be unique.

Over time Phoebe amassed the world's largest collection of fashion dolls for someone in her age range. She showed off her collections on different social media platforms and her customs were quite popular. She loved to include her own opinions and commentary in these posts and videos, and she often found herself criticized. People didn't see her as having the knowledge to discuss social issues like the ones she tried to address, considering her position of privilege and wealth. It was a challenge for Phoebe to listen to this criticism without taking it personally and she became publicly defensive a few times.

At the age of sixteen Phoebe was invited to attend Hope's Peak Academy as the Super High School Level Fashion Doll Collector.

Though her parents didn't want their daughter known for such a talent they could not refuse the invitation either, Hope's Peak was known to be the most exceptional school in the world and they could not give up the prestige it would give their family.


Nicholas Casella

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed vitae dictum nulla. In tempus eget ante eget pulvinar. Sed ultrices rhoncus massa, quis posuere libero pulvinar vitae. Nunc ut accumsan urna. Sed eget augue vitae mi facilisis porttitor. Quisque congue, erat in varius tristique, nunc nunc suscipit eros, vestibulum malesuada libero tortor vel justo. Pellentesque eleifend, arcu in porttitor mattis, velit ante semper risus, quis ullamcorper libero enim nec diam. Praesent cursus commodo tristique.

Selene Casella

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed vitae dictum nulla. In tempus eget ante eget pulvinar. Sed ultrices rhoncus massa, quis posuere libero pulvinar vitae. Nunc ut accumsan urna. Sed eget augue vitae mi facilisis porttitor. Quisque congue, erat in varius tristique, nunc nunc suscipit eros, vestibulum malesuada libero tortor vel justo. Pellentesque eleifend, arcu in porttitor mattis, velit ante semper risus, quis ullamcorper libero enim nec diam. Praesent cursus commodo tristique.

Diana Casella

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed vitae dictum nulla. In tempus eget ante eget pulvinar. Sed ultrices rhoncus massa, quis posuere libero pulvinar vitae. Nunc ut accumsan urna. Sed eget augue vitae mi facilisis porttitor. Quisque congue, erat in varius tristique, nunc nunc suscipit eros, vestibulum malesuada libero tortor vel justo. Pellentesque eleifend, arcu in porttitor mattis, velit ante semper risus, quis ullamcorper libero enim nec diam. Praesent cursus commodo tristique.


  • Phoebe can play the violin, viola, and the piano
  • Her mother was born in New York and is of Mexican descent while her father is of Italian descent. Conversely Phoebe is fluent in English, Spanish, and Italian.
  • She has a ragdoll cat named Daphne
  • Phoebe had her naval pierced, much to the dismay of her parents
  • Phoebe aspires to one day collaborate with Bratz and eventually create her own doll line