$5/trade/art's Comments

Hi, this lil guy still avaliable? If yes then what would ya like for him? :)

yes they are! :) And idk offer whatever! Mostly looking for a character trade. Can't sell because I got them for free.

I have few designs but making them slowly. Here are the two I have submitted here for now but they still miss one art coz I have to re-do the shading. https://toyhou.se/3249684.-adopt-canine- https://toyhou.se/3249432.-adopt-cat- Or if I could ask what are ya lookin for trade?

ah sorry! Neither of those designs are what I'm looking for D: Looking for more pastel/simple type designs, preferably premade. Not really looking for art trades or anything unless it's from someone I watch. Thanks for offering though! :)

U searchin canines, felines or somethin else? :)

doesn't really matter! I like all kinds :)

2 Replies