


2 years, 3 months ago


Triton(lionfish) Cleric/fighter(gunslinger) multiclasser, fights with two revolvers
Fish cowboy

Comes from a long line of priests to Persana(the creator god of the Tritons), the eldest child is expected to take over primary duties when they come of age, younger siblings will become a secondary clergy, and their offspring will become a "branch" family. Ryven's older brother, Oshus, left from the pressure of having to take over the family business, he's been gone for 30 years and is presumed to be dead, so Ryven is in line to take his place. It's not a mantle she particularly wants to take, but feels like she has to, and struggles between living up to her family's expectations and having the freedom to do what she wants.

Her deity sent her to the  surface to convince the people up there to stop polluting the ocean, but when she got there she saw a gun and thought it was the coolest thing ever. Decided to become a cowboy instead(without fully knowing what  that means.)

Absolutely hates authority figures(Esp. when they're younger than her)

Has never met her brother but has heard of him through stories and seen pictures of him around the home, believes he's still alive /somewhere/

Gets excited easily, if there's a crowd nearby she's going to go in and  check out the action, and if it's a celebration she may shoot a few  rounds in the sky to cheer.

Is very gay and likes big buff women