Jude Cameron



2 years, 3 months ago


name jude cameron
age 26 [ 20th february ]
gender ♂ [ he/they ]
orientation bisexual
rel. status single
job lighting director
voiceclaim sights & sounds
theme poor grammar
code jiko


who knows what's on his mind? he barely shares anything. who he really is? what are his intentions? priorities? morals? it's unknown either. he found his own place in this world and he silently indulges himself in it.


ddeq2z5-f752b03d-17a3-4589-a29d-15c5b112jude cameron is a heavy observer and listener - not much things slip out from his observations and he has a really good memory about anything he gets to know about people in general. can't really tell if he's good at friendships since he doesn't actively go out his way to support people he gets along with, check up on them, lecture or comfort them. all his relationships are pretty distant. quite a loner, but he doesn't mind that at all. he has a weird, intimidating aura to him either way. he has no problems with cutting ties with people and he doesn't let others get on top of his head. he can defend himself and get shit people out of his way in a snap of his fingers. he developed really good fighting skills, like a souvenir from being in that little highschool gang in his teens.

his position in one of the highschool gangs was significant in meaning and this is still something his brother, seth, is impressed by. but in the end, those were just weak schoolboy gangs while comparing it to anything in judes actual adult life. he knows the real gang business is not up his alley and he dropped those topics the moment he graduated highschool.

during working hours he can be seen at the local philharmonic and theatre, making sure of proper lighting during performances. sometimes he's being hired by movie makers to direct lighting as well. his hard work managed to make others form a really good opinion about him in this field.

Polite Sassy
Cautious Impulsive
Social Reserved
Intelligent Ignorant
Emotional Rational
Productive Lazy

spring, fall, winter, bees, insects, pollination periods, iced tea, taking long strolls, lakes at night
hot weather, try-hard "bad boys", pointless arguing, meat

Design Notes
  • 1,82m
  • fine build
  • slim, long legs
  • no visible pupils
  • thick eyelashes
  • faint smile as default
  • ears piercings
  • fluffy hair
  • freckles
  • hands usually hidden in pockets
  • can speak fluent english and finnish. knows asl.
  • due to the facts he barely speaks up, people tend to think he's mute - but he isn't.
  • he's the older son from the cameron family.
  • lives in an apartment located in m1.
  • owns driving licenses for motorcycle and car but he doesn't use those much.
  • always has a pocket knife and some lighters around.
  • smells like honey and citrus, sometimes like mint instead.

YOUNGER BROTHER. jude can't be bothered enough to actively try to speak into seth's mind that he's positioned in a horrible place and his life won't get any better if he doesn't cut ties with certain people. if you want to be stubborn, be stubborn.
FRIEND. they knew each other from childhood even. maybe they had some bigger feelings towards each other, but it never got talked about between each other.
FRIEND. they were in the same class in highschool. jude tends to visit them at their workplace to check up and have a little chat from time to time.
OLD SCHOOLMATE. he knew her from afar only but he knew she's getting into troublesome relations with people all the time.
OLD SCHOOLMATE. he adored her willingness to achieve so much at such young age. he felt sorry to see how the incident changed her, though. she deserved better.
OLD SCHOOLMATE. at some point they hung out after school. jude remembers him as a really warm and interesting person. what a pity that they can't hang out anymore.