Carlout The Onisheep


Basic Info


Adult Mid 20s in Human Years




Oceancat by Izapug


loves music, exotic food, smart, serious, sophisticated


SouthWest Isra Coastal somewhat near mini species




Shiggle The Ocean Cat

Best Friend

Ziggle the Ocean Cat


Oceancats are a species designed and owned by Izapug.

Oceancats can be found on the South Coast of Isra in between where Felis Oceanus live and the Mini Species can be found. They spend there time hanging out on the beach and go in between the two areas as they are friendly and like hanging out with both Felis Oceanus and The Feleaf. The Oceancats, Feleaf, and Felis Oceanus all migrated from Gibeona when Shawn Shank made it appear as though Annette's tall tales were true and thus meaning the danger that she said was coming was true. They all made it across on floating logs and paddling.

Carlout likes to eat a variety of exotic and strange food. He was one of the few who migrated who was excited about it. He is loving trying the new fish, herbs, and drinks available on Isra. He hopes someday to travel the entire coast trying exotic foods and visiting exotic locations. His best friend is Ziggle. They like playing board games and the occasional game of poker with the Feleafs.

Carlout is the only male Oceancat who has settled down. Carlout's mate is Shiggle and they have a baby together named Giggles who looks like A Seadragon. They live together and have a nice house with stone furniture on a rocky beach in a cave by a cliff.