
2 years, 3 months ago


Full Name: Simon Janovet
Gender: Male
Age: 27
Birthday: 8 January ( Capricorn )
Species: Duck
Sexual orientation: Heterosexual
Height: 1m76
Weight: 42,9kg
Relationship Status: Dating Skye ( At least, that's what he says )


Simon is Ben's doppleganger. He was created to always have an opposite opinion to Ben' to create a dynamic between the two in the videos.

Simon has the opposite colors to Ben', Simon keeps the same passions as Ben' but in a lazy version. For him, digital drawings are not real drawings and that only those made with the traditional ones count, he likes to create games but does it in the laziest way he can or passes the job to other people to do it for him and gets all the credit. Karma always catches up with him in the end.

If Ben' has Rose as his girlfriend, you'd think that Skye, Rose's doppleganger, would be Simon's girlfriend, but in reality, only Simon imagines that Skye loves him and the relationship is not reciprocal. But that doesn't stop him from thinking that Skye is repressing her feelings for Simon and following her around to taunt Ben' and show him that he has a girlfriend too.

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