


6 years, 7 months ago


Name: Telma

Nickname(s): Tel, Ma, Mama, Mel, Telmel, Mama Mel

Age: 76

Birth Month/Sign: Ykat/ Kyyhky

Height: 5'4"

Sex/Gender: Female

Place of Birth: Yow

Current Residence: Asara

Occupation: Bartender, Owner of "The New Moon"

Relationship Status: Single

Sexuality: Pansexual







Telma grew up with her brother, Jareth.  Where he was always seen as a gorgeous, soft young man, she was always seen as a sneaky little trouble maker.  Though it was more of a tease in the beginning, when it came to trying to make friends as she grew older, it became more of a mean of hazing to some of her piers.  

Telma eventually ran away from her life in Yow and settled in Asara, where she scraped by begging for a while.  After a time, however, she was able to find steady work.  She lived on the streets until adulthood, raised by the community in Asara.  Once she was an adult, she bartered her way into ownership of the building that is now Asara's little stop for misfits, "The New Moon."  She collects many of the unwanted and misfit members of society as regulars, offering them kinship and a place to feel a sense of acceptance and belonging.

She is known to take in orphans and runaways and teach them how to run shop so to speak.  Of course, they do not deal with the alcohol or the crowd, but they help clean and cook and other such things.  This is how she got the name "Mama Mel."  She doesn't often keep children long, as many of them either end up returning home or even finding home, sometimes with the tenants (the ones who are more together and emotionally stable anyway), or even at times supposedly offered a place amongst the ranks of the thieves guild in Fidelio.  

Telma is a soft heart, but she will take no bullshit in her bar, and she will see rabble rousers out herself even.  She is not a pushover of a pakkeli.

Telma eventually reunited with her brother as well, and hopes the rest of her family will perhaps come to see her one day.  Telma and Jareth bare no ill will towards eachother and seem elated to the each other in their lives again.
