


2 years, 4 months ago


Name Veracity

Aliases Truth-Seeker

Gender Female

Orientation Aro/Ace

Birthday January 5th

Age 28

Lives ❤️❤️❤️

Theme Honey I'm Home

HTML Pinky


Veracity, formerly known as "Lie-Teller", was originally a dragon living on Pyrrhia. After being deemed "a hazard" to her current world, she was banished and sent away with no past memories of herself to another planet using "Animus Magic", by a dragon she once thought was her friend.

After crash landing on the Wayfinder's planet, she couldn't remember anything about herself. Not knowing anything else about her except that she was part dragon, she decided to give herself a new name. She wanted to find the truth about her past, which resulted in her name to become Veracity, meaning truthful. Soon after, she met a funky elf named Artemix and started a new life on this new unfamiliar terrain, seeking to unravel her past.


Friendly Reserved
Polite Blunt
Clever Foolish
Brave Timid
Careful Reckless
Sincere Deceptive
Optimistic Pessimistic
Diligent Lazy
Calm Irritable
Humorous Serious



Nighttime She thinks the sunlight is too bright. Plus, the stars encourage her to continue her journey for the truth.

Purple Things They comfort her when she feels distressed.

Snowflake Obsidian The rock is known for helping recognize "wrong thinking" and release stress.

Thunderstorms The sounds of thunder and rain help soothe her headaches and help her concentrate on work.


Red Things The color reminds her of negativity and blood, which she definitely doesn't want to see on her journey for the truth.

Skeletons Her wings make her a big target, meaning she gets hit with twice the normal amount of arrows. (Ouchie)

Silverfish Creepy little bigs that scuttle over your feet.

Lavender Gives her terrible migraines.



Attack 95%
Defense 65%
Speed 75%
Resistance 50%
Agility 85%
Stamina 90%
Strategy 40%
Luck 35%


FORESIGHT Although her visions tend to come at random intervals, they usually warn her of incoming disaters or events to avoid, meaning they are extremely helpful to her in combat.

FLIGHT Veracity has the ability to fly using her wings. Most of the time, she just uses her wings to glide around from time to time, finding it more convenient to walk. However, they do giver her a huge advantage during combat.

FIRE BREATHING Because of her Nightwing blood, Veracity is able to breath fire from time to time, given appropriate rest that is, which can be extremely helpful when a fire is needed.

SEMI FIRE RESISTANT SCALES Although her scales aren't fully fireproof, her Nightwing DNA has given her the ability to escape fires with minor wounds and burns. The majority of her scales are located around her wings and tail, with small scattered scales around the rest of her body.


IMPULSIVE Depending on the situation, she can be very impulsive. Most likely because of her curiosity, Veracity always seems to make decisions without thinking of the outcome. One example is how she got her mask eternally stuck on her face.

CURIOUS Veracity is eager to explore and find answers about her past. Anything that might help her she'll investigate. After all, waking up on a strange new planet with no memories of her past is very strange, and she wants to know what happened to lead up to those events. However, this can sometimes be a bad thing. *Cough Cough* The mask incident.

REACTION TO LAVENDER Whenever Veracity is around lavender, her whole body shuts down, often causing her headaches to get worse along with giving her very strange visions while she is knocked out cold. How odd.

CLUMSY Veracity isn't used to her big wings, tail, and horns, causing her to knock many things over while turning around. (Hence why she is banned from the potion shelf).


Height 5'8"

Build Broad

Eye Color Amethyst

Race Dragonborn

Hair Color Brunette

Alignment Chaotic Nuetral

Demeanor Volatile


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About Veracity

Veracity is a half-human and half-dragon hybrid. The species of dragon, Nightwing, allows her to get visions of the future, fly, and have semi fire-resistant scales. Her Nightwing genetics also give her horns, wings, a tail, and tear-drop scales near her eyes. Her tear-drop scales represent her Nightwing abilities and show how she was born under two moons in her homeworld, Pyrrhia.

She has no memories of her past or why she lost them. She does, however, know that she cannot find anything by sitting around. After giving herself a new name, Veracity decided to look for her past and answers to what happened to her, through any means necessary. Over time, she has started to piece together her past through visions and dreams. However, as she continues her search, she discovers many things which make her question if she should even continue and whether or not the truth was worth the journey.

Life at the Wayfinders





MASK: While walking in the woods with Artemix, she found a mask lying on the ground. It was a strange theater mask with a happy expression. Out of curiosity, she picked it up and put it on her head. Veracity and Artemix joked about how it looked for a while, but when it came time to take it off and move on with their journey, she found that she couldn't take it off. She has tried many ways to get rid of it, yet every method she has tried has failed. She assumes it's "Stuck on her face for eternity". Over time, the mask has cracked for reasons unknown. Additionally, Veracity thinks the mask was somehow destined to find her. Could the mask help her discover more of her past, or is it just a piece of useless junk?

"DECEIVER": Veracity has an opposite personality hidden inside her conscious. Known as "Deceiver", all Veracity knows of this entity is that it is an opposite version of herself, unbeknownst to her was the being that got Veracity banished in the first place. Veracity only ever sees her after a reaction from Lavender, and the only noticable feature of Deceiver is that it looks almost identical to Veracity, other than it's theater mask having a frown instead of a smile. Usually, it doesn't talk to Veracity. But when it does, it tries to convince her to find crystal fragments that Veracity has seen in her visions. I wonder, what will happen if she collects all three of them?




Friends and Neighbors

After crashlanding on this new planet, the first person she met was an elf named Artemix. They quickly became good friends and together built the small town of "Evergreen Evade". If they both aren't home, then most likely they're both out adventuring together. Sometimes, Veracity questions why Artemix sticks by her side, but she feels lucky to have Artemix as a friend.




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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.