
2 years, 3 months ago


This character's lore is associated with the lore of a lot of other people's OCs. A lot of these people are offsite, so I tried to credit the owners the best I could by stating their offsite names. 


 𝔹𝕒𝕤𝕚𝕔 𝕀𝕟𝕗𝕠𝕣𝕞𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟

Kapok is a young adult female RainWing. In dragon years, she has a 9-13 age range, since in human years, she would be a young adult in her twenties. Her theme song is No Roots by Alice Merton and Haunted by Laura les.



The first thing someone usually notices when they look at Kapok is her slightly pale mint green scales. She has a white underbelly and head, with black eye masks, horns, and diamond-shaped spots on her body. She has a black ring-like marking on her neck, and ring-like markings along her tail that fade from black to light gray as they get near the tail tip. Her eyes have mint green irises that match her scales, with yellow sclera, and she has matching yellow teeth, so her face is often described as intimidating especially when she is angry. Kapok’s wings have black wing fingers and white membranes, and for her frills, these colors are inverted, with the frill membranes being black. Her right frill also has a burn in it, though in that spot, there used to be a small rip from the SkyWing queen, until one day a SkyWing guard burned that exact spot of her frill to look even worse. Kapok is described to have a thin body shape, and be rather skinny, since she wasn’t fed much when she lived with the SkyWings, and also because she has high metabolism. She happens to have a cold body temperature. Sometimes, she is depicted as "more beautiful than in the wanted posters." and is by some dragons even considered attractive.

Kapok wears soft, fabric-like leather material around her waist and wrists, and a matching horn ring on her right horn of the same leather material. The material around her waist holds knives and a dagger, and the material around her wrists wears really tiny needle-like knives. Sometimes, she changes which knives she decides to wear on her, and stores some away to wear others. The leather and knives were given to her by the Rebellion when she first joined, and it was made from some sort of animal.

Kapok also wears a ton of necklaces. Some of these necklaces include

  • A necklace made from a NightWing horn, featuring a gray horn that she randomly snapped off a dead NightWing. This necklace drops lowest compared to her other necklaces when she wears it.
  • A necklace of SkyWing scales. As of present time, this necklace only has two scales, and more are planned in the future. She plucked these off certain SkyWings at some point. One of the scales is red-orange and the other is orange-red. The red-orange scale used to be a firescale.
  • A cicada skin necklace that she made after looking for cicada skins with Heron, who is her significant other.
  • A necklace of Dawn Bat’s feathers (Dawn Bat belongs to Vortex the PortalWing on YouTube).
  • A necklace of SkyWing teeth that she pulled out once the guard was dead.
  • A silver necklace that is half of a heart, given to her as a gift from Lackluster). According to the rp, Heron has a matching one.
  • A necklace with a large red ruby given to her by Heron as a gift.
  • A necklace featuring a beetle made of gold with diamonds for eyes that she stole from the SkyWing palace. This necklace is likely enchanted and could be the reason why Kapok has so many bad dreams. She currently does not have access to this necklace because it was taken away from her.
  • An animal bone necklace she bought from a merchant that had found the cave.

Kapok also likes to wear earrings and frill rings, though she didn't start wearing piercings until later. Her piercings include four silver frill rings (two on each side), gold earrings with jet embedded into them, and pale yellow and silver feather earrings. Like the knives, Kapok will sometimes switch out which necklaces and earrings she wears. She will take some off and put others on, so that she isn’t wearing all of them at once.



At first glance, Kapok appears intimidating and scary, as she likes to look and act tough often. She has a tendency to yell or snap at others sometimes, and she is often very loud and appears to have unstable mental health due to her PTSD that is caused by seeing close ones argue. She tends to yell out when she is surprised, angry, or excited, without watching her volume. She also is chaotic, rowdy, and fond of violence, and threatens violence to others sometimes, even as a joke. She likes to be impolite and have bad manners, such as eating messy or knocking things over. She enjoys knocking over the Rebellion’s bowls of food with her tail, and then laughing as if it’s comedy gold. She snorts when she laughs often, drools when she sleeps, and likes to joke around. When Kapok feels she isn’t acting tough enough, her self-esteem is lower, and she questions herself. Her self-esteem is usually really high, and she likes to call others names such as “lizard-faces” and “monkey turds” and then state that her bad insults are good. She hates when others tell her she isn’t threatening or intimidating and loves it when others tell her that she is. The reason she behaves this way and not like a normal RainWing is because she grew up around SkyWings who behave this way, instead of in the rainforest. She is always furious at the SkyWings for the way they treated her, and the way they treated her is also partly why she is a bit mentally unstable. She hates most of their tribe with a burning passion and always wants to get back at them, hence why she steals from them. Though she knows a few SkyWings in her life who have treated her nicely, she has trust issues with most of their tribe.

Despite her love for being chaotic and violent, however, Kapok can sometimes be a huge softie deep down when someone gets to know her. She tends to warm up to you more if you inch slowly towards her, but if you rush the relationship, she is less likely to get attached to you. once attached, she is a likeable friend who usually shows affection by teasing her peers, and she likes to play-fight. Kapok is surprisingly loyal when one gets to know her, and that loyalty can lead her to be protective. She can act soft around those she really trusts, and an advantage for Gorgeous, she is surprisingly ticklish. Kapok is a lesbian and has a girlfriend that she will always be loyal to, and she won't allow herself to ever be with anyone else.

Kapok cares deeply about the Rebellion in general, since it’s the only place she felt she could call home, and the only place that made her feel welcome and secure, after her long, horrible life in the SkyWing palace. If anyone thought that Kapok didn’t care about the rebellion, she’d also get really upset. She sometimes worries if others think she is good enough, and because of this, her nightmares caused by her beetle necklace got worse, so lately she’s been trying to give the other Rebellion members more attention. Kapok can also be really jumpy sometimes, and possibly could have anxiety. She has PTSD, which is often triggered by those she loves arguing. This PTSD was developed due to fights breaking out in the SkyWing palace, as well as fights breaking out in the Rebellion cave between Rebellion members. She screams and cries for dragons to stop arguing when it hits, and she runs off if it continues.

Kapok sometimes jumps up really high like a scared cat when startled. She is rather catlike in general compared to most dragons, as she sometimes purrs when she’s super happy, though her purr is rather quiet and raspy, and she doesn’t purr often. She also likes to play with her food, roll onto her back when she trusts someone, bat at things as if to be playing with them, and sharpen her claws. In the old Rebellion cave, she has a certain wooden log full of claw marks where she has sharpened her claws many times before. Others like to refer to her as a cat as a joke, though most of the time, Kapok doesn’t even realize she’s being catlike.

Kapok also loves to steal, and when she feels sad or upset, someone suggesting stealing from the SkyWing palace can pipe her right up. She loves treasure, and she also loves her knives and thinks of them as treasures of her own. She sharpens them often, especially when she’s bored, and she dislikes when one of them gets taken or lost. She likes some of her knives more than others. When she’s really bored, she sometimes likes to use the knives to engrave stuff into things.



Kapok’s voice is usually raspy. When she raises her voice, it gets raspier, and sounds scarier and intimidating, enough to make an entire flock of birds fly away. However, when she is speaking in a calmer, lower voice, she sounds more soothing. She usually talks rather fast, partly because she’s either energetic or nervous. Kapok’s voice claim is Sisu from Raya and the Last Dragon.



When Kapok first hatched, the first thing she saw was the big palace around her, and the face of the SkyWing queen, Queen Cinder (OC belongs to PxqerClipz offsite) looking at her. The queen had said something like “beautiful…you are just what I need. A perfect pet for my palace." Kapok’s entire childhood was being chained to a wall next to Cinder’s throne and being fed just once a day. She would be hungry, and beg for more food, only for a guard to say “No, shut up, stupid RainWing. You’re nothing but art,” which resulted in her crying, though they continued to leave her alone. Most of Kapok’s life was spent in the palace, watching dragons fight in the halls, which would cause her to freak out, which is one of the reasons for the anxiety she has today. Sometimes, she would be brought out to watch the arena fights with the queen, though she’d stay chained, and it was the only real sunlight she got. Other times, she’d come along when the SkyWings hosted royal dinners, though she still was chained next to the queen. She’d sometimes look forward to the royal dinners because she sometimes got fed, usually small scraps from little dragonets who got scolded after. “Don’t feed the art!” was what they would say. After the royal dinners, the most Kapok really got to eat was leftovers, some of which were days old and decaying. She’d end up getting sick from food poisoning from eating rotten food and getting scolded for it.

Some SkyWings did treat Kapok nicely. Some include Lady Skystone (OC belongs to Mercy the DreadWing on YouTube/INSANE_SkyWing on Roblox), an elderly former royal advisor who knew Kapok and treated her well, as well as the dragonets who fed her during the royal dinners, and the SkyWing dragonets who would occasionally visit to read to Kapok, which is the reason Kapok knows how to read. But a majority of the guards yelled at her, bossed her around, and called her stuff such as a “useless good-for-nothing pet”.

At one point, the Queen Cinder had for some reason grabbed her by the head, and then said right in her face, in a sinister voice, something along the lines of “You lazy good-for-nothing RainWing…you’re only good for being pretty,” she then dropped her, and her sharp claw raked her frill, making a rip in it.

It wasn’t until one day when Kapok was eight years old when she decided she had enough. She wanted to rebel. The queen was gone, leaving guards to watch over her. She started tugging on the chain that held her against the wall, which confused the guards. Eventually the chain broke, and she leapt forward, hissing, and spat venom at one of the guards. Since she never grew up in the rainforest, she was never venom trained, so she always spits a little too much. The venom was enough to knock off the guard’s helmet and knock them over, and a bit of it hit them. She started to fly away as a few other guards chased her, and as she flew out the exit of the palace open to the sky, the guards knew the RainWing art was gone, and they knew they had to inform the queen. A large portion of the SkyWing kingdom remembers Kapok, and some of them actually know how she disappeared that day. Others think she disappeared mysteriously.

Ever since Kapok’s “disappearance”, the SkyWings got a new pet/art for the palace, my OC, a skittish RainWing named Lavender.

As she was leaving the kingdom, she thought she saw a protesting group of RainWings in the arena. She quickly camouflaged herself and watched them. They were yelling for peace, to be treated equally like the rest of the tribes. “We are the RainWing Rebellion, and we won’t stop until you know it!” Kapok thought she should check this out, now that she was free. She thought that maybe this was a place where she belonged.

They flew away, and she followed them, still camouflaged. She followed them to a cave in the mountain, and she watched them for a bit. After a while, she accidentally showed herself.

The group of RainWings almost attacked her, until they realized she was a RainWing too. They noticed how skinny and scrawny she was, and they asked her what she was doing outside the rainforest. Kapok didn’t know anything about the rainforest and told them her story. They felt bad for her and accepted her into the Rebellion. They gave her the soft animal-hide leather and knives that she wears today.

Kapok got to know a lot of the other RainWings in the Rebellion better overtime and had made some friendships. This includes Faith, Jester (Marmalade the MudWing/lore, multiple platforms), Lackluster), Dawn Bat (OC belongs to Vortex the PortalWing on YouTube), Mandarin (OC belongs to WarriorsPebbleHeart), Tyto Alba (OC belongs to PxperClipz on Roblox), No-Luck, and many, many MANY more, (I can't mention EVERYONE, there are so many of you out there with Rebellion OCs!) As they did a lot of stuff together, Kapok would gain new necklaces overtime as time went on.
At one point, Kapok had even found herself in love. When a RainWing named Heron joined the Rebellion, she was one of the first dragons to treat her nicer than anyone else has. Heron has always been the silent type, but she still admitted there was something about Kapok she liked. Over time they both developed feelings for each other and cared deeply about each other. They liked to watch the stars together, visit the beach and play in the water, and back in the cave, they’d lay down next to each other all the time. They’d say nice things to each other, which caused them to bond even more. Their closeness made them get looks from others in the cave, but Kapok didn't care. She grew to have a crush on Heron.

At some point in time, Dawn Bat turned out to be a traitor. She had turned on the Rebellion and tried to attack Faith. Kapok decided to pull out one of her knives and defend her friend, which resulted in her getting pinned against the wall. "You're smarter than I thought," Dawn Bat had grabbed the knife from Kapok and stabbed her right in the shoulder. Kapok had reared up and let out a roar in pain before crumpling to the ground, and the rest of the RainWings crowded around her and managed to successfully treat the wound. To this day, however, Kapok still has a barely visible scar on her shoulder, and she can sometimes still feel it at random times, usually when it's cold. But it's hard to see and you never notice it's there until she mentions it. This event was shortly after the canon death of Pineapple (OC belongs to PxperClipz, Roblox), who was one of the Rebellion members until he got brutally murdered by Faith for trying to hit on her, as she is already taken, or had definitely been at the time. Dawn Bat re-joins the Rebellion later in the timeline.

One day, Lackluster told Kapok he needed to talk to her. They flew a long way away from the cave to have a chat about his history with Heron and his life with her at the circus in the Scorpion Den where they were raised. Kapok wasn't supposed to tell Heron, but she did anyways because she felt like she couldn't lie to the dragon she loved, so she ran to her in tears and told her everything. Heron hadn't wanted to talk to Lackluster much after that.

Shortly around this time, Kapok had gotten a golden beetle necklace with diamonds for eyes from stealing from the SkyWings She had been having nightmares about losing Heron and/or the Rebellion ever since then, but never knew that it was because of the beetle necklace being enchanted to give the wearer nightmares about their fears.

Much later in the timeline, a SkyWing guard had arrived at the cave in an attempt to imprison the Rebellion. While trying to capture them, Kapok leapt at the guard in defense. The guard had blown fire at her and lit her frills on fire. She managed to put the fire out, but it resulted in a huge burn mark on her right frill where the rip used to be. The guard had captured them, though they eventually had escaped thanks to a helpful elderly SkyWing named Dodo (OC belongs to Stormstriker16111 but isn't on TH), who ended up dying while freeing them.

One Valentine’s Day, Heron had proposed to Kapok during a date at the beach, and of course she said yes. Though some months after that, Heron had disappeared due to being kidnapped while going on a walk one night, and the wedding never happened, though Kapok still has the ring, which is made of emerald. It had been lost when the Rebellion changed caves, but months later Kapok re-visited the cave and found it. Kapok's separation anxiety would kick in due to her missing her lover, and she would completely break down, cry, and scream at everyone. She had been an emotional mess for months and the nightmares caused by her beetle necklace had got even worse.

At one point a Rain/Silk named Gorgeous found the cave. Kapok had been having another episode during that moment and completely freaked out at the stranger, who had intentionally found her with intentions of calming her down. She stepped towards Kapok, who shouted while stumbling "GET AWAY! GET AWAY!" and told her to take deep breaths. Kapok started to take deep breaths, though it took a lot of time and convincing. After that, she told her to meet her on the top of the mountain. That night, they met, talked for a bit, then Gorgeous started teasing Kapok about how "adorable" she was. This got to Kapok's soft spot, and they frolicked and played. She reminded Kapok of Heron, but in a good way, a good way that brought good feelings.
Gorgeous had become a new member of the Rebellion ever since, and she and Kapok have been spending quite some time together and growing closer. She acts like emotional support to her. Gorgeous had also noticed that Kapok has been having her nightmares and believed it was one of the necklaces. She tried taking off the beetle one, which was unknowingly the cause. Kapok hasn't had nightmares at all very much lately, but she still doesn't know that it's because she isn't wearing the beetle necklace anymore. However, she wants that necklace back.

Between these events, due to being found all the time, the Rebellion had moved their cave to another, more open to the sky cave in the Sky Kingdom.

Kapok was having a difficult time coping because a RainWing IceWing hybrid named Snake (OC by ReflectionWarrior, Roblox) was crushing on her. Kapok didn't want to be in a new relationship because she'd feel guilty about Heron. Snake would sit super close and get upset if Kapok spent time with someone else. Gorgeous and Hoatzin [oc by PxperClipz, Roblox] had noticed her sadness and often attempted to calm her down. Gorgeous is Kapok's closest friend and therapist figure, and something about her was soothing; perhaps she liked batting at her dangly jewelry. 

Heron returned 6 months after her disappearance. She had become sadder, with one side of her face being melted from venom and her wings and frills being ripped and then later on stitched together, however Kapok doesn't care because she was super relieved to see her again. Heron is still as shy as ever but was quieter and more isolated than she used to be, but that didn't stop Kapok from unlocking her way back into her heart.


 ℙ𝕣𝕖𝕤𝕖𝕟𝕥 𝕃𝕚𝕗𝕖

It has been quite a long time since Kapok was accepted into the Rebellion. She isn’t as skinny as she used to be when she lived with the SkyWings, since she has gotten a lot more to eat in the Rebellion, though she still remains a thin body shape. And overtime as she lives her life in the Rebellion, she gets more and more necklaces to proudly wear around her neck. Ever since Kapok has escaped the SkyWings, there have been wanted posters of her around the SkyWing kingdom. A lot of the RainWings in the rebellion look up to Kapok, and a few of them have had crushes on her before. They think of her almost as their leader, although she acts nothing like a leader to them and doesn't think the Rebellion should have one. They often follow her around wherever she walks in the cave. They sometimes call her “Poky” as a cute little nickname, (it was Vortex the PortalWing who came up with the nickname) though she gets slightly confused and a little bit flustered when she is called that. She has a love-hate relationship with a lot of the other members. She cares about them, even though they all get into arguments a lot. One minute, Jester would be calling her a capybara faced lizard, the next minute she would be saving him from being pinned by a SkyWing guard. One minute, she would be arguing with Faith, the next minute, they would be smiling at each other. She and the other dragons had developed a lot of friendships overtime. When Gorgeous joined, she and Kapok have felt especially close, as she acts as emotional support for her. They are best friends.

Kapok loves her life in the Rebellion. Most of the time, they are in one of their caves as they now switch between them, hiding, or planning what to do next. Other times, they’d go to the SkyWing palace and protest or steal. Kapok can’t imagine life without the rebellion, as she sees it as her home. She is proud to be a part of the RainWing rebellion. Overtime, she likes to collect things to make into necklaces to wear around her neck. She is almost always seen wearing more than one of these necklaces, though she does switch them around so that she isn’t wearing them all at once.

When she is not hanging out with the rebellion, she likes to go to the SkyWing palace and steal things, as she is still very angry at the SkyWings. She has been imprisoned a few times, but never made a pet again, because she knows the times when the queen is on break and chooses to steal during those times. When she does revisit the palace, she does get a few looks because some dragons recognize her. When she gets thrown in the prison cells, she hides a knife so she can draw tally marks in the walls. She hates being imprisoned but is used to it if it’s just her being imprisoned and not the rest of the Rebellion. She likes to roar and scream and annoy the guards until they let her out out of pure annoyance. Eventually, she’d find a way out, and come back to the cave, with or without some treasures.

Kapok also occasionally wears a green scarf. These are a Christmas gift from Heron, and since Kapok often gets cold, she sometimes still wears it. She had accidentally left it when the Rebellion changed caves, but she found them months later when Heron returned, and she likes to use it to make Heron laugh. She loves to spend time with Heron during her free time. She's one of the few dragons she'll actually snuggle with.



Kapok has multiple possibilities for her future. She is planned to always be in the Rebellion. She will stay in the Rebellion for many years, even when she grows old. She hates the idea of retiring. There is also a possibility where Kapok and Heron live together at old age.



Kapok’s parents are named Parrot and Anteater, but she never knew them. She has two known siblings, but only met one of them. She has a brother named Capybara (OC by lore/Marmalade the MudWing), who just crafted weapons for the Rebellion because he didn’t like to fight. He had joined the Rebellion for some time after he found his sister. She also has a sister named Panda (my OC), who she never met. Panda lives in the rainforest and wears a bamboo blowgun and leads a group of RainWings who all wear the same blowguns, kind of like how Kapok “leads” the Rebellion.




  • Kapok was originally created on the Wings of Fire Roblox game (25) [Early Access] Wings of Fire - Roblox in late December 2020 as a pet/art OC for palace roleplays. She would often get overwhelmed and scared when throne drama happened, and she wore a black collar. I just added this into her backstory, and the black collar part is no longer canon. I made her a RainWing Rebellion OC when I got the idea from some random RainWing’s bio that said, “part of the RainWing rebellion”. I took inspiration and ended up making my own RainWing Rebellion, making her my OC for it.
  • Kapok was going to have white sock markings in her original design. At one point, I wiped her from my slots to make Lavender, but missed her and remade her. Kapok now has white sock markings in Wings of Fire Roblox, but they aren't in her canon design.
  • Kapok had two other voice claims before her current one, the first being Billie Eilish (LOL). I love her newest one so much better.
  • Originally, Kapok was going to not know anything about how RainWings lived. This was going to be another result of her growing up with SkyWings. This character trait kind of faded away over time as I developed her more.
  • Kapok was originally inspired by someone else’s OC that I really liked, but I developed her so much that she’s very original now.
  • Kapok has multiple AU's. One of them is where she is kept in the prison while Heron is killed and put on display for her to look at her every day until she is driven mad. In this AU, Kapok looks the same, but thinner, hungrier, and looks and acts crazier, jumping and shouting and raging at the slightest of sound. This AU was developed through the roleplay where they get captured as a "what if" idea and was the idea of Pxqerclipz. Another AU is where a fight breaks out in the Rebellion and Kapok and Heron are exiled to live on their own. This was the result of a roleplay gone wrong, and in this AU, most of Kapok's right frill is missing, as during the fight, she was pinned, and one of her knives were taken from her and they cut most of her frill away, leaving just the fingers. She also has scars all over her body from being stabbed multiple times in the fight. This AU is also connected to Kapok's nightmares. In the third AU, (suggested by Rivyxi), Kapok stays at the SkyWing palace and becomes the arena champion. She has no rips in her frill, and no accessories, but possibly a few scratches here and there. Kapok also has a fourth AU also suggested by Rivyxi, where her nightmares get so intense that she goes insane, though this one is still super accurate as she already is a pretty unstable mess. A lot of the AUs and possible futures I make for my OCs are sad because I myself do not like big changes.




"I'm gonna tell you what I'm gonna do, SkyWing. First, I'm gonna rip out your tongue. Then, I'm gonna shove it down your throat. And lastly, I'M GONNA MAKE YOU EAT IT! UNDERSTAND?!"


"NOOO! Stop! I'm not adorable!"


"Got any bone necklaces? I love these things!"

"I know how nightmares feel. Haven't had them recently, though."

"But I'm not soft! I'm very brave, very tough. I don't show silly weak feelings."

"Gee- why does everyone suddenly get a therapist figure?"

"Yes, faithful leader! Ha, see what I did there?"

"I also want to go to the palace too. Give the SkyWings what they deserve, steal some treasure. I love the feeling of cold hard cash in my claws."

"I only let myself 'soften' around certain dragons for certain reasons. No one has to know."

"I got your tail! Now stop moving, as I demanded."

"Oh beautiful, what is so funny? Just me being fierce as always,"

"Me? Funny? I'm ferocious!"

"I'm not scared, I'm not scared, I'm not scared-"

"I love when you comfort me."

"Thank you, Ron Ron."

"Watch out, I'm dangerous. I bite."

"LOOK YOU TWO, THIS IS BIG! We need to probably all get ready if we want to rebel against this. I think you need more calming down than me, Cardinal Head."

"Now are we gonna rebel or what?"



"YES HER! Snails and slugs, that hurt."

"Can we get on with this mission yet? Sorry- I want to fight somebody and actually win- okay take your time."

"I'm scared too. I want what this rebellion needs, but yeah, I agree with you."

"Poor thing. That pet RainWing- she aways lays there... looking sad..."


"It's the good stuff. These drinks are SO funny."

"It's partytime."
