Dexter (Surprise Missions)



Surprise Mission (1/??): You're toskal/grunt wakes up and has lost all of their hair. How do they react? What do they do? 

A small creaking could be heard as the lampshade from above stirred with the movement of the breeze. Dexter laid on the hammock, in the midst of a deep slumber. The air had been particularly chilly that night, which Dexter had unintentionally dismissed as just another one of those colder nights. Nestling beneath the array of coats, completely unaware of the unsought out guest that had just welcome themselves into the black marketer’s den. 

Unfortunately, before any of Dexter’s senses can pick up on the toskal’s presence, a large tug on one of his ears soon brought him back to the world of present. 

“What the fuck,” he swore, body clearly needing a second to comprehend what had just happened, before a snarl soon began to crawl up his face. Immediately, the scent of wintergreen and gardenia began to invade his nose. Facing the perpetrator, he tried his best as to not swear another word, for he knew just what that may happen next.


“Dexter, sweetheart, you were drooling again.” the female, or rather, cousin, began to cut off. Harboring an array of flowers, most being Gardenias, she sauntered around the den, back facing Dexter, before finally dropping the flowers onto a stray basket. Dexter now using this time to bend over and pick up the scattered furs that fell during his rude awakening. 

“You know, you really should pick up around here. Add more things that can make this place more lively. Old animal skins aren’t exactly vibrant. Good thing I just came from one of your traders. He mostly sells some of those revolting drugs, but knows just how much I love these flowers!” she chuckled, making do with lighting a few lanterns. 


“Yes-?” the female toskal answered, finally giving her cousin a quick glance over, before a horrified expression soon pierced her face. 

Furrowing his brows, Dexter wondered just what may have shocked Calypso as to get her to shut up like that. His expression turned into an exasperated frown, before he finally asked her what was up with her reaction.

“Did you, by any chance, have the pups here earlier today?” she softly questioned, nails making do with scratching the inner side of her palms.

“Yes, and?” 

“Well then, that may have been the reason why you are missing quite a lot.” she smiled, doing a horrible job of trying to stop the smirk from growing on her face.

“A lot of what?” Dexter snarled, getting quite impatient and irritated with her antics.

“My poor cousin,” she giggled, placing a hand on the male’s shoulder, before quickly turning him around. Tapping a claw onto her cousin’s backside, the nail feeling a lot sharper than it normally would.

“I guess my lovely niblings decided to give you a personal hair cut!”

(Word Count: 466)

(Point worth: 2 + 5 <mission bonus points> = 7 )
