


2 years, 4 months ago

Basic Info

Name Pronunciation







29 (in human years)








Smoke, sandalwood, graveyard dirt, cinnawood



Relationship Status

Observing Kinoko



Gin wanders about, exploring the different places he comes across; his childlike curiosity being the only thing of his original self that remained.


Gin can be quite aggressive especially towards strangers. He always has a bit of a bite to his personality but it can be softer towards those he cares for. He does to tend to lash out at times especially when scared though he will sometimes be apologetic about his outbursts, doing small things like making a meal to make up for it. Gin has a hard time being honest with his feelings due to his fear and distrust of others. 


Gin grew up as a normal but curious elf in a quiet village. One day, he had wandered off into the woods near his home to explore. He came across a strange creature, the likes of which he had never seen before. As Gin crept up to the creature, a strange man with other strange beings appeared from behind some brush. Apparently, the man had been looking for the strange creature Gin had stumbled upon. This man introduced himself as a doctor and told Gin that he was here to take care of these "sick" creatures with him. Being as he was an innocent child, Gin didn't have any reason not to believe the man. The doctor came up to him and acted concerned for his health which caused Gin to worry, asking if he could maybe get his family sick. The doctor assured Gin that if he came along with him to his clinic that he could help cure Gin to which he agreed because he didn't want to get his family sick. When Gin agreed, the strange creature reacted and lashed out at him but was stopped by the other beings accompanying the doctor. The creature cried and kept reaching for Gin, scaring him. Frightened, he backed away; thinking about running back home. However, the doctor told him that this creature was very sick and they needed to leave immediately. Gin said he wanted to tell his parents first but the doctor grabbed him, telling him that it was time to go. He fussed, really wanting to go home and trying to wiggle free. Suddenly, he felt a prick to his neck and felt his body begin to go limp. Gin weakly cried out as his eyes felt heavy, closing as all energy left his body. This was the last time Gin would ever see his home.

Sometime later, Gin woke strapped to some kind of metal table in a dark room. He was absolutely terrified and all he could do was cry. It wasn't too much later before the doctor from earlier came in to begin what would be the most hellish "treatments" Gin had ever undergone. The doctor did unexplainable experiments on the young elf for the next several years, completely changing his entire life and being as he knew it.

Some years later, the doctor's entire lab had been cleared out by some samurai of the law. The doctor along with all of his experiments were hunted down by these samurai. While it partially was a relief, Gin did not want to die. It's not like he asked to become some madman's vile creature. Gin longed for the outside, for a home he no longer he tried to escaped. Eventually, he managed to escape his pursuers and now roams wherever he pleases.


  • The night sky
  • Stargazing
  • Exploring new places


  • Crowds, Places full of people
  • Strangers
  • Small Spaces