Dotti Pink



6 years, 5 months ago


Alignment : Neutral Evil 🎭


Melancholy, Nonchalant, Gaudy, Dominant ,Quiet, Introspective, Boisterous, Loyal to those close, Cruel when it is needed ;Both a sadist and masochist, girly girl, bisexual, Loves the finer things in life; nice wine, jewels, art, ect  

Other notes on appearance

Typically very feral in facial features & no head hair if drawn anthro

Preferring Feral form

Wolf-like body - Long haired dalmatian

The heart marking can sometimes be a broken heart 💔 

Alternative RAINBOW version 🌈

Loves : 

Time alone, getting lost in libraries, inclimate weather - snow, rain, wind, fresh flowers, finely baked goods, gold&jewels, listening to stories ,shopping, decorating, blood, holidays

She posses hidden powers and some phychic abilities

Can help others but no sense of self preservation

Attracted to individuals who posses high willpower + a *special* sense of humor

Loves to challenge herself 

Prone to feeling defeated / feeling to withdrawn upon not living up to her own set standards 

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Approach Respectfully (or pay)

Takes multiple lovers but heart is owned to one

Outstanding love for all things violent. Feeds off of her own fear & others.Â