


2 years, 4 months ago


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Name: Martenriver

Future Names: N/A

Age: 27 Moons

Gender/Pronouns: Nonbinary(amab)(they/mer/she)

Clan: Tombclan

Rank: Warrior

Orientation: Ace/Aro

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Family Info

 Parents: N/A

 Siblings: Quiveringroar(brother)

 Mate: N/A

 Kits: N/A

 Other: N/A

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 RP Information

Being Quiveringroar's littermate, Martenriver quickly became engulfed by Tombclan's environment, even with how quiet mer was. Although never acknowledging the lack of a guardian, she simply grew accustomed to the everyday life of Tombclan. They hold merself to an incredibly high(and demanding) standard. Although certainly more quiet as a kit, she is still adjusting to socializing after mer many countless moons of silence.

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 Appearance: Martenriver is a chocolate-brown cat with sleek fur and dull seaglass-colored eyes.

 Personality: Martenriver is an incredibly silent figure in Tombclan. While most of mer clanmates are loud and proud, Martenriver is reserved and calculative. Many presume they're quite the judgmental cat, and those who believe so would be correct. Normally, they can be seen on the outskirts of camp glaring at the unlucky cat fueling their judgment. She doesn't particularly love Tombclan, and mer barely sees it as a home, but mer still believes they can do whatever they need to do to survive while remaining in the clan. She is very proficient and any regular duty, and seemingly isn't opposed to fighting by any means. She's very evasive and flexible, making mer quite the formidable opponent. If taking to someone else(which is already a difficult accomplishment in itself), they will barely offer any material to build a conversation off of. She particularly doesn't enjoy social interaction, even now, but will do what's necessary to get through the day. She only ever speaks to mer brother, since they view their brother in a good light even with his soft nature.

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